Monday, June 19, 2006

A reminder for ALL 'Baba workers'

And see what i have found? Just typed and post it for all of us, who by nature are 'forgetful'!
So let us NOT FORGET that the goal of 'working for Baba' is NOT to make our egos FAAAATTTTTTER than what already is, but it is 'draw closer' to Him and become 'dust'! (Easy to say/write it, but when it comes to action? Pride and Anger does not allow!!

“The more you work for me, the less important you feel in yourself. You must always remember that I alone do my work… I allow you to work for me, so that you have the opportunity to use your talent and capacities selflessly and so draw closer to Me. You should never think that in your work for Me, you are benefiting others, for by being instrumental in bringing others to Me, you are benefiting yourself.”


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