what ‘exactly’ happened, from my cameraviewsامروز صبحچهاتفاقیافتادازدیددوربین هایم
10:06 / 26/01/2006
what ‘exactly’ happened, from my cameras.
Our eyes act as ‘cameras’ for us and the only difference is in the ‘colour of the lenses’!
Before the ‘show’, I informed a few whom I thought they have NO IDEA of what is happening among Iranis here, about the ‘interactive show’!
Wore my clown plastic ‘lips’ (good to keep silence!
Actually you ‘cannot’ talk ordinary way, the teeth keep it in place!),
just to make it VISIBLE that it IS a SHOW!
When no other ‘medium’ works to solve this old ‘archetypal difference’, we pray to our Compassionate Baba to bring loving brotherhood and sisterhood among Iranians themselves and with others, as well.
Even I asked our beloved Theatre teacher, from NY, to support me, if needed!
Heard a very vulgar abuse from a brother as he said and passed!
(had to call the office to report such a thing, because I feel the poor heart is so weak that if I just say anything to him, he might get an ‘attack’ in his heart, OR might attack and kill me!! (so much is the ‘volume’ of that negative emotion called hatred!)
and we do not want this to happen here at this time!
Had my cup of tea and wrote the following on my ‘communication board’ =
why you fear me?
why you resent and hate me?
Best honest answer gets a prize
روی تخته ی ارتباطات سفیدم نوشتم :
چرا از من می ترسی؟
چرا از من بیزاری و نفرت داری؟
بهترین پاسخ صادقانه یک جایزه می گیرد.
و جایزه را به چند نفر و همه نشان دادم = دو تخم مرغ کوچک از کریستال کوارتز شفاف
ولی ظاهراٌ هیچکس نمی خواست پاسخی بدهد!
And I showed them the prize: 2 small egg shaped Quarts crystals with the red velvet bag. But apparently no one wanted it! Wonderful!
Then when I asked the brother who wanted to give time for Baba, before my second print, ………… 10:55 am…. minutes ago Bhauji called and very lovingly asked me to keep silent for the time being and bow down to Baba’s feet. How this man is loving and caring keeping us together. I accepted and hereby I stop any verbal reaction/response to those whom might try again to hurt me! I shall NOT react verbally, until AFTER the Amarthiti celebration, yet use my ‘human right’ to communicate via my special while board, ___ bought for such times!
What a blessing from our beloved chairman. He compassionately saved us much energy for now, to be wisely used for the AFTER mid-Feb.,……… since this is NOT a ‘personal’ contact or argument! Really! It is a very TYPICAL archetypal collective issue,
arisen here and now!
So if we can use the golden opportunity, we can be free Many Unwanted sanskaras, forced on us for ages.
If herenow we cannot see and ‘break the wheele’, then WHEN?
Later? Ok. But as we say, “in good deeds, there is no place for ‘estekhare’! (consulting with the scripture!) So why wait and suffer endlessly, we can wake up right here and right now!
For those who are eager to hear the rest of the story, I might write it here, JUST FOR THE SAKE OF THE RECORD. Jay Baba….
ALL comments from those involved and those who ‘watch’ the show
are appreciated. Jay Baba and Jay His lovers
دقایقی قبل تلفنی از باوجی عزیز داشتم که بسیار با لطف و مهربانی و متانت
از من خواستند تا آخر مراسم سالگشت بابا سکوت اختیار کنم
و سرتعظیم فرود آورم در پای بابا.
گفتم "شنیدم و اطاعت کردم." و برای همین تا آخر مراسم از هرگونه واکنش زبانی با حمله کنندگان احتمالی پرهیز خواهم کرد و فقط حق انسانی خود را برای ارتباط گرفتن __ از طریق تخته ی سفیدی که برای چنین روزهایی تهیه کرده ام ___ محفوظ می دارم.
برای کسانی که می خواهند باقی داستان را بشنوند شاید در موقعی دیگر آن را بازگو کنم فقط برای ثبت در نامه ی اعمال الکترونیکی! زنده باد مهربابا و عاشقانش
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