By Rumi: a clear heart to the Almighty = آینه ی روشن دل
سلام/ متن زیر اکنون از طریق ایمیل رسید و به انگلیسی ترجمه اش کردم/ صفا کنید.
The following is from Rumi and just found it in my inbox and translated into English. Enjoy....
it may need some editing which i appreciate it!
يوسف مصری را دوستی از سفر رسيده گفت:
"جهت من چه ارمغان آوردی؟"
On arrival from a voyage, Joseph of Egypt was asked by a friend,
”what have you brought for me?’
گفت: "چيست كه تو را نيست و بدان محتاجی؟ از جهت آنكه از تو خوبتر هيچ نيست،
آينه آوردم تا هر لحظه روی خود را در وی مطالعه كنی."
He said, “What is that you need and you do not have?
Since nothing is better than yourself,
I have brought mirror,
so you can study your face in it, every moment.”
چيست كه حق تعالی را نيست و او را بدان احتياج است؟
What is that the Almighty does not have and needs it?
پيش حق تعالی، دل روشنی میبايد بردن تا در وی خود را ببيند.
One needs to take a clear heart to the Almighty, to see Himself in it.
Molana Rumi, Fihe Mafih
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