New PC Completion Celebration
22/01/2006 / 17:55
New PC Completion Celebration
Wow, what a wonderful place is this Hill, and the people who love Baba. Today I really felt it, because we were all inside the NEW dining Hall, which is a concrete manifestation of Baba’s devotion in action, done by many who love Him and follow His wish. Was invited last night to attend the inauguration of the new PC or MPR = Meher Pilgrim Retreat. It REALLY is a ‘retreat’ for those who love nature and silence and compassion. The music group from Ahmednagar center came, along by many Indian Babalovers, and few non-Indian residents and pilgrims. After some bhajans, one special memorial gift (Baba’s Samadhi picture + note of appreciation from the contractor, brother Vaibhav Joshi) was distributed to those who had actually contributed in the work, i.e. From master carpenter and mason to our dear master architect, brother Ted. He spoke briefly and mentioned the fact that there has NOT been any ‘fight’ or ‘dispute’ between the two sides (A REAL MIRACLE in human-relationship!) and his own ‘role’, comparing to those who secured the funds and those who actually built the place, is a ‘minor’ one! We all see Ted, as ‘the man who made the new PC!’ The music was fine and Ted sang his famous ‘….Baba Tandiva??!’ and the rest was all Indian devotional songs for Baba, by devotees who HAVE ‘musical’ talents. We were lucky enough, not to hear something ‘out of tune’! The lunch was excellent and for the Indian taste = HOT! Another ‘real’ miracle of Baba = ENOUGH good food (for THE SOUL AND for the body) + happiness for those who love Him. That HUGE hall was full ___at least 500 people of God were there __ yet the food was more than it could be eaten! No one had heard EVER that food has been ‘run out’ in Baba’s meetings/darshans, no matter how crowded the place was/is! Came back home with the School Bus and found a wonderful reply to my request from Bhauji ….despite its ‘surface’, It actually encouraged me to write him more about what is happening here in some interpersonal communication affairs and the point about the slow erosion of the silence at the Hill. SOME people, FEW, break it for UNREAL things = daily ‘chit-chat’ and ‘gossip’, while others are there to receive ‘the REAL thing’ from Baba, IN SILENCE! I wish someone may conduct a simple “SIGN language workshop,” for ‘emergency talks’ INSIDE the shed and around it. The problem is that some ears are ‘heavy’, as we say = low-hearing ability with increased age, and simple things must be SHOUTED to them, when the silence must prevail! What will happen to the silence in Amarthiti is obvious! No-silence is expected, because those who must maintain it, break it with everyday ‘greetings and chatting’, in a LOUD VOICE, near the TOMB! So others follow and slowly, BUT SURELY, over the time, the silence erodes and chatting prevails! (if nothing is done about this natural tendency of the minds =chit-chat!)
Last night music session was great. It was dedicated to practicing some new song, so Bhauji did not come for his talk. The music is written by out master-musician, who plays many instruments and his latest work is so rich and melodious. Played a short solo-daff upon request …. we practiced about 3 hours. Brother Madhuka dropped me home with his car. His wife sings in the women choir and their twin sons are both VERY skilful with drums and bells…..
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