latest musical news
21/01/2006 / 17:29
Happy Saturday, Law of Dharma = What is OUR ‘role’ in this ‘leela’?
Getting ready to go to Meher Nazar compound in Nagar to participate in their weeky meeting, with music. Heard Bhauji will be there, so decided to go. Afternoon brother…. Called and said he has some free time to spend here showing me that Tabla Machine = TAAL TARANG, DIGITAL. Spent some happy hours listening to Daff Selection tape and played together for sometime. He immediately picked up how to hold and play the Daff and after some time he was playing so well. He is a master Tabla player and ANY other drum…. He told me that I will be on the stage for Amarthiti, when their group perform their yearly special song for Baba. Could not refuse the honor! Also last Sunday, the Indian brother who is responsible for the Amarthiti programs, told me that he will put me in their music schedule. So whenever the power is gone, I listen to that selection tape and play along….. this afternoon two of us plus TWO OTHERS = Raagini Digital + Taal Tarang Digital, played some nice NEW tune, together, chanting Baba’s Name. Thanks to Baba and His wonderful family members. So I post this and start getting ready to move to the city. I take a daff to practice with them for the first time. Jay Baba………and to make it even more fun, i made a BIG pot of rice soup + big Potato pieces +.... and gave a small bowl to few of the boys who came again.... they ask for 'chapatti' (=bread) and i only have afew left until Monday 11 am! i told my brother that it is 'too late now....' to refuse them!, and, '....Narayan Seva' is a 'ritual' performed once or twice in a year, BUT in action, these kids get hungry everyday!' what to do? if they could only understand that this cannot go for very long, for their own sake, i mean! language barrier we have here! they ask things which i do not know and i tell them things that they do not get! what to do?
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