Monday, April 17, 2006

This 4w & freedom of expression

Jay Baba.... i rather post useful essential things, rather than the trivia, so the delay in posting is just due to this fact, and 'other facts of life'! The following is a 'fresh reply' to an Irani sister, living abroad, who we recently met thru some Yahoo group i send my translaions to. Since it is related to my previous post/'favorite subject', i post some parts of it here and welcome your feedbacks on this and other post.... more is cooking about other 'vita; interesting topics' (Italics are hers)

Dear friend .......Glad this English correspondence is useful for you, for me is, as well. please keep it up and if you let me i use some of your words in my blog.............

From those articles ,I only read one which was very intresting too,About different thought of different nations,whom are supposed to be free and liberated in the 21th century ,although we encountered condemn of those people ,as in Bahaee ,religion.

i am glad you see the point.

The largest of whom being astonished by some of wrong decisions of the Sects of the other religion such as moslems in Iran.

........ or 'extinct' ?? or procesuted? Yes, those mullas cannot tolerate anything that goes agains their big sick egos!

Although we have to accept , it comes from benefits of politicians who made decisions to abolish those Bahaee ,...............

Yes and unfortunately, in Iran these days, the Politicians and the Priests are ONE nasty 'body'!!

Anyway ,dont make it wrong I am not Bahaee either,but I had some Bahaee freinds when I was in central America,they were really freindly nice and well educated.One of them was the leader of the group of nine people ,and I had seen many pictures from Hifa in Israeel ,their temple and religious ceremonies,.

Yes, true. they are 'highly cultured and very close to the 'ultimate truth = LOVE', much much closer to GOD than those who condemn/prosecute them!

In my opinion all the people are good ,this is us who think bad about the people ,so they are not responsible for the way we think about them.

Yes dear, this is called 'right seeing'. Wish those in 'worldly power' also could see this, but as you know better, they are 'blind and deaf'!

Oh I talked too much ,soory about that and I wanted to mention this point that ,the article I have read there ,facinated me so much in this case and it shows the reality in a way u accept the argumentation of the article.

Thank you dear, do you mean the Farsi article by M.Mir?
Yes, Freedom of expression has been always my way of life, in theory and in practice. i Thank the whole existence that we have this wwww (wonderful www!) to express ourselves and communicate with each other.

Yes, the first few sentences were in German , cuz I have seen the weblog about u in German language,may be it was because of my computer setting,.

thank you yet i would love to know if it was YOUR writing or the site introduction, or what else? if it was yours, i appreciate a translation!

Ok thanks alot again for what u sent to me,
somtimes my dictation and words which I used are not correct ,the reason is only mixing alot with German and French ,so forgive me for this case,I know I almost forget English but it is good to write in English .It is helpful.
Ok it is all for now,thanks again ,and bon weekend.Happy Easter, Happy smiles ,, Mojdeh,

Thank you dear one. i appreciate your being my friend and hope we communicate more often and if you let me i will post some of this mail to my blog, to encourage readers feedbacks..........
in His love and service


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