Centre of The Universe/ Meherabad/ Bharata
11:20 / 09/03/2007
Jay Baba…..Just now, in a response to a message in Yahoo 360 degree, signed as following and liked it! Those who HAVE been here, know what I am talking about; and those who have NOT yet been here, may wonder what a ‘non-sense’ is this!
The ONLY way to prove it to oneself that THIS place, called Meherabad, in MH, Bharata, IS actually The Centre of The Universe (as far as we know it!) is to come here and ‘measure’ it and experience it! Is there ANY other way?
The following is the ‘signature’ and the translation in English:
محسن خاتمی”
مرکز کائنات/ مهرآباد/ هندوستان
اگر کسی در مرکز بودن اینجا شک دارد می تواند بیاید و خودش اندازه بگیرد و تجربه کند.".
“Mohsen Khatami
Centre of The Universe/ Meherabad/ Bharata
If any one has doubt about the centeredness of this place, can come and measure it and experience for oneself.”
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