Saturday, August 26, 2006

LESS than 30450 minutes/year

".....There are 525,600 minutes in every year.
If you sleep 8 hours a day, you only have 350,400.
If you take two days off per week and work only 8 hours per dayyou only have 125,280 minutes a year to "get things done."
If you take one hour off for lunch and a 10 minute break forthe remaining 7 hours, you only have 91,300 minutes a year to"get things done."
If you're like 95% of the population and *really* only use about1/3 or less of that time to get work done (as opposed to playing around, daydreaming, or doing "busy work," you only really have 30,450 minutes a year to "get things done.".....

And this figure does not include the time for watching TV, surfing the net, or just plain gossiping!!
Good luck......Jay Baba


Blogger Joe @ said...
And how much time do you leave to do things that you enjoy? Interesting that you didn't factor that in there.
11:03 PM  

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