Two Good News of Loving
Jay Baba
Today is the last full day when MPR was opened. From tomorrow the facility will be closed until Jun 15th, for the summer holidays.
Following is for your information and rejoice!
1. Niyaz, 34, a fine friend from Tehran had ‘appeared’ after 6 years. She lives in Germany since 2003 and recently found me in Orkut. She is one the most lovely and refined souls I know, and it made me SO HAPPY to find her here on the net, because I know how she can be helpful for all. She may join me in the Emotional Consultation Service I have in the new site and her presence is a blessing for all of us. You will see why I say so, AFTER you get to know her a bit.
2. Around noon, had to go and fetch drinking water and shop. On the way to the ATM machine, I met Erico, in a very synchronized way. The timing and the way we met and talked was so perfectly arranged, that all I can say is that ‘Baba had planned the meeting’. Those who know Erico, might know the significance of this meeting, and the results. And those who do not know him, just have to wait and see! People like him are very hard to be described. He asked me how I was, and I had to tell him the truth = ‘frustration with the new Content Management System called Mambo I am working with, to make the new site’. Knowing his mathematical and computer background, despite the doubt I had about his acceptance, I requested him once again, to help me with the concepts involved. It was our second conversation about the new site. First he said that he does not want to get involved in ‘coding’, etc…. when I explained that the benefit of the site is for all and it will be a channel for people to find Baba, then all of a sudden things changed: He pulled the skin over his Adam’s Apple (thyroid gland) with his two fingers, and asked me if I knew the meaning of the gesture in Indian culture? I said ‘no’! Then he said, “ this shows a ‘ghassam’” (a promise by life). We, Persians use the same word, ‘ghassam’, meaning an oath or vow. So it means that Erico had promised to help me technically with the site, which IS A GOOD NEWS. Thanks to Baba, who arranges everything at the RIGHT TIME. He said this in front of Ashok’ store, and I guess putting it here and announcing it as a ‘loving news’ is ok with him.
Jay Meher Baba….Thanks
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