On the illusion of separateness and its remedy
wow, see what i just got? Mercy.............it is just the thing we need to be reminded, learn and live. Here, is where 'science' can be of MUCH HELP, since it talks about the natural cycles and the behavior of sub-atomic particles, which can give a better picture of a GENERAL WORLD-VIEW to each person. No wonder the nations who are advanced in science are now more inclined toward love (The Essence of Spirituality), the real one, the non-fearing love..... Thanks to Baba On 5/30/06, a beloved brother..... > wrote:
The senses and ego-mind cause us to see others and everything outside our body, as separate and/or different to ourselves. But love, simple love, pure love, perfect love, non-desiring love, non-fearing love, allows us to see/perceive others and everything as yourself, as an intrinsic part of ourself. It thus overcomes 'the illusion of separateness', caused by perceiving others and everything via the senses and ego-mind, and leads us to the state of 'I alone Am'. We realize, at a very fundamental level, that everyone and everything is indeed ourself/oneself. The tiny mortal drop-self realizes itself to actually be The Infinite Immortal Ocean-Self, via the very simple 'mechanism' of pure selfless love.
Mehera Meher / "Being Is Dying By Loving"
Jay Baba.... just wrote to a dear one, that i have a VERY relaxed and fine time here in Dehradun, at Baba's Center = Meher Prasad. "Thanks to Baba Himself." Yes, last night i was reading Mehera Meher.... what an amazing Baba..... what REAL stories..... if the AUthor/narrators were unfamiliar, you could doubt the reality of them! This is one of the advantages of living there: old magazines like The Avatar,Divya Vani, Beloved Baba, etc.... and rare books. This Mehera Meher is mostly about Meheraji Irani, who Baba says she is the 'purest soul' in the Universe. Reading about her and her devotion and love for Baba is truly a blessing for me....lots of very fine/old pictures of Baba and the mandalis __saw Mehernath Kalchuri's picture last night with the family and Baba, when he was about 5-+!! What a collection is this book.....Thanks to David Fenster who made it possible. ....just now found this in my inbox and thought of sharing = ! Boroni is in Australia at Avatar's Abode at the Sahavas at Beloved Baba's home there, this 48th Anniversary Sahavas is held evry year and is commemorates Meher Baba's visit to His beautiful Avatar's Abode there in JUNE 1958. I will be staging "Being Is Dying By Loving" again in celebration, and away until the 17th June, will e-mail after that time, In song, Raindrops " And what a beautiful opera is this "Being Is Dying By Loving".....just lovely music and wonderful movements..... Good for the Australian lovers and those who can afford to visit and participate in the Sahava (Gathering of devotees of Meher Baba)................Jay Baba
Ghazi-ghatele-namahrame-zalem = The 'murderer judge'
Jay Baba, the title may not sound very ‘loving’ (for the ‘murderer’ side!), yet, it is expressive of the fact (for the ‘murdered’ side, and the ‘witness side’ = free journalism!). Since I do not see myself ‘separate’ from the ‘murdered’, and the ‘witness’, reading about this new attack on Iranian journalists (and the subsequent tortures) made me publish this ‘old’ emotional response to those who are the enemies of the free expression of human beings. Yet, since it IS very ‘strong’, in TUNE, I published it where it belongs: http://musighee.blogspot.com/2005/07/ghazi-ghatele-namahrame-zalem.htmla copy of FARSI version of it will be appreciated. HuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuBabaHuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Free Mana Neyestani& Meherdad Ghasemfar
Jay Baba, What a non-sense! just got the news that Mana is arrested.... Do not know who is Meherdad Ghasemfar (another journalist perhaps/ Editor of the paper?) but i always liked Mana's art of caricaturing! These days, to divert the attention of people from their ‘real’ problem, the mullas are into another 'typical' mischief: the Azaries protest against an article in Iran Newspaper….first, I also though that there is ‘something’ (an intentional insult to the Turks in Iran), but when I saw the actual cartoon and got the context this morning, I see that this is JUST an excuse! A ‘good excuse’ to revenge and harm the people! Because Mana’s art, have been always very expressive, SHARP, AND at the service of LIGH = LOVE (naturally against the ‘dark forces’!)
This is the price one pays for being a ‘truthful artist/journalist’ in that ‘occupied land of Persia’! This makes me apublish something I wrote a long time ago, when Zahra Kazemi, another truthful journalist, was murdered by that ‘Judge’, in a most brutal inhuman fashion, inside Evin prison in Tehran! It is VERY emotional, that is why I did not publish it so far, but why not now?! Have saved it ‘as a draft’ in one of my blogs and will post it asap. Following is from http://farshadebrahimi.blogsky.com/?PostID=116 + some editing....... درباره ماجرای کاریکاتور روزنامه ایران و اتفاقات پیرامونش ... .... به نظر من آن چیزی که در این روزها کسی از آن نمی گوید مانا نیستانی و مهرداد قاسمفر است ! و هرکس با توجیح خودش ! حکومت ایران که اصلا دل خوشی از روزنامه نگاران ندارد و الان سعید مرتضوی میدانم که ته دلش دارد غنج می رود که بالاخره دلیلی پیدا کرد که مانا را که بسیار از کاریکاتورهای وی همه میدانیم حضرات شاکی بودند بازداشت کند و همینطور مهرداد ... هر دوی این عزیزان الان قربانی بیش از دو دهه بایکوت اقوام ایرانی شده اند ، همه میدانیم که در این کاریکاتورها عمدی در کار نبوده است. این عین واقعیت کار روزنامه نگاری است ، آنهم در کشور مثل ایران ، یادش بخیر اولین روزی که می خواستم بروم در بهار بنویسم و کارم را در آن روزنامه شروع کنم پور عزیزی که واقعا عزیز است گفت سند خانه کنار گذاشتی ؟! این روزنامه نگاری است هرچقدر هم که احتیاط کنی هر چقدر هم که هواست به همه چیز جمع باشد یکهو می بینی یکی از یه جایی حالا یا دولتی است و یا یکی از همان آدمهای حرفه ای و همیشه ناشناخته شاکی می شود . بهانه ای دست و پا میشود و جنجالی برپا . اصلا کاری به روزنامه نگاران حرفه ای و یا سیاسی نویس ندارم مگر نم نبات و بچه های دانشجوی پلی تکنیک در نشریه موج سیاسی کار بودند ؟ داستانی نوشتند و یادتان هست که موجی به یکباره در کل ایران به پا شد ! و تا پای اعدام خیلی ها می خواستند آن بچه ها را بکشند و یا مگر یادمان رفته آنچه که بر سر هفته نامه " خانه " آمد ؟ من گرچه به تمام حساسیتهای این روزهای هموطنان آذری زبانم احترام میگذارم و با آنان همدردی هم می کنم و تمام آنچه که این روزها بر این عزیزان میگذرد را محکوم میکنم اما اینرا هم می دانم و شک هم ندارم که مانا روحش هم خبر نداشت که استفاده از اصطلاحی روزمره، که همه می گویند و این روزها دیگر متعلق نیست به گویش خاصی در کشور بهانه ای بشود برای این اتفاقات . مانا تا همینجایش هم بیش از آنچه باید، تاوان پس داده است. تمام آنچه که این روزها دارد انجام می شود یک داستان طنز تلخ و یا سیاه است ! عده ای در صدد تخلیه تمام بغض های فرو خورده خویش هستند و عده ای دیگر نیز از سر بی اطلاعی بازیچه جنجال آفرینان و عده دیگری هم بساط معرکه گسترده اند و در صدد تسویه حسابهای خویش این بوده بدشانسی مانا و سردبیر. نمی خواهم دچار توهم توطئه بشوم و دشمن دشمن بگویم ! ولی با خود میگویم همین چندی پیش سریالی از تلویزیون پخش می شد که بیشترین اهانتها را به آذری زبانان ما میکرد و شخصیتهایش با لهجه آذری چه ها میکردند ، چرا آن موقع به یکباره این اعتراضات شکل نگرفت ؟ و یا چرا وقتی در فیلم سینمایی در همین جشنواره امسال که البته بسیاری هم اعتراض کردند بسیار بدتر از این به آذری زبانان ما توهین شده بود صدای از جایی بر نخواست ؟ چرا باید باز دوباره و مثل همیشه این روزنامه و روزنامه نگاران باشند که هزینه نابخردی حاکمان را بدهند ؟ این روزها تبریز ، ارومیه ، زنجان ، اردبیل ، نقده و همه آذری زبانان میهن پهناورمان ایران در تب و تاب هستند در مقابل مجلس در خانه ملت قلع و قمع شان می کنند و در خانه هایشان هم به ضرب باتوم و ... با آنها بر خورد می کنند و دنیا صدای آذربایجان را شنیده است و همه ما هم میدانیم که مشکل کاریکاتور مانا نیست ، و اصلا شاید آحاد معترضین نه مانا را بشناسند و نه ایران جمعه را خوانده باشند و نه اصلا شاید آن کاریکاتور را دیده باشند ، مشکل بسیار بزرگتر از چند حرف لاتین است که مانا در دل کاریکاتوری نوشته است ... مشکل در جای دیگری است که پیش از این گفته ام ! پس، امروز وظیفه ماست که همه ما اعم از ترک و لر و کرد و بلوچ و عرب ، همه ما ایرانیان ضمن اینکه در شکستن بغض آذری زبانانمان در اینهمه جوری که بر آنها رفته است ، با آنها همراه شویم ، آزادی این دو عزیز را نیز خواستار بشویم و بخواهیم تا روزنامه ایران را دوباره آزاد کنند تا حد اقل این روزنامه نگاران فرصتی بیابند تا بتوانند از حق پاسخگویی در برابر آنچه که این روزها پیش آمده استفاده کنند ....
On labeling our 'divine tendencies' /content development
Jay Meher Baba
Just received this email from a dear brother in the family, who we have some ‘technical debates’ sometimes! He referred to a very important issue, and I just expressed myself! Hope you like the content! Speaking of the ‘content’, while studying Google Adword/Adscene, I came across the category of ‘content developer’. Do I qualify to be in this category? Am I actually developing content material on the net, by these postings? If yes, then thanks to Meher Baba and His lovers who made this possible! Jay BabaHuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
He wrote today: “….Now that I've realized / accepted that a lot of my 'feeling' was just sexual desire, and not love, it comes down to: Can I control my desires ? or do my desires control me ?
The same is obviously true for fear and anger etc.
Your 'instinctive attraction' is just a fancy expression for plain desire or lust. Until we can gain full control of our physical desires, and emotions, we are going to stay trapped in a stupid dream / illusion lifetime after lifetime.”
And I replied…. “….Yes, you are right about the 'fancy expression'! yet i like to use it, since it sounds 'innocent', or 'divine'!! Please note that how we are looking/calling/labeling something can make a difference in DEALING with it.....if i call it 'lust', then it has a 'negative' connotation and it brings 'guilt feeling' = number one enemy of the divinity within. But if i call it 'natural instinct', then i have the privilege and power to rise ABOVE nature and instincts and do what i like with it.....that has been my experience of dealing with my 'natural desires' and thanks to the Existence, so far so good.
.... and a confession to you: i am NOT really REALLY, really so mad= eager=ambitious about NOT COMING BACK! Yes, i have suffered so much and do not want to suffer more and more, yet, i have also enjoyed and gave joy to others. This latter makes me 'daring' enough, not to be so fussy/anxious about 'getting enlightenment in THIS life'... as long as i love and serve myself and others, i am NOT in a hurry! Baba knows the best for each us and i leave it to His wish…. MY work/duty/fun in THIS life is just to love Baba and GO FOR GOD and make others happy......you may say that i am 'fooling myself', but what can i do? Any suggession?!!
thank you for the sharing and the tips love Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Non-Violent Communication in Meherabad, India/Iran/....everywhere
Jay Baba ALL... what a happy news i just received from sister Raine = Boroni, the Empress of Songs for Babaji __ not to forget dear Cindy, who is also an Empress in this regard! Dear Mohsen, Jai Meher,There was such a course at Meherabad February 22nd 2006 hosted by Zeek Paterniti a facilitator in NVC. This year Doctor Nina Schubert will again be asisting Gus and Radha in the medical office and she is an NVC counselor too and might be happy to do such a course, In song raine. and see how i replied.... i am really excited to learn this Giraffe Language, as Marshall Rosenberg calls it, enough of the Jackal language! i just pray to Babaji to let me learn it and use it and possibly spread the concept.... MEHRABAD, in Tehran (is a name of the international airport) is also in NEED of such a language! Dearest Boroni Wow, thanks for the good news..... will post it there.... let others know we are 'advanced'!!!! i was in Delhi for Baba's BD and missed that one, but hope to catch hold of Doctor Nina's 'skirt'! because i really want to learn this language. (i am very poor in learning other languages!) Can i have her email ID, please? After her consent, of course!
A Mission Possible, technically and emotionally!
Jay Babaji.... today earlier i came to go back earlier! Tony Griss is in town and we will have an 'extra satsang' in Meher Prasad, to listen to his stories on Baba and the Mandalis.... see what i got from a brother regarding the technical aspect of my FUTURE DREAM! Hope to get more responses on VARIOUS aspect of this 'Mission Possible'...... i feel the EMOTIONAL aspect (the HEART part of it to say YES to it!) is much more important than the technical side (the 100 kbps we have at Arangaon is enough for the time being)....more on this later.... "......I think you're confused about the tech stuff. You could have a Cray Supercomputer on The Hill but you still couldn't connect to the internet any faster than the local ISP internet speed. This might be 512Kps on an actual phone line, but is unlikely to be any more than about 80Kps via their mobile network. In Thailand, and probably India, you can get a SIM card that's designed to go into a computer, rather than a mobile phone. It lets you connect to the internet anywhere a mobile phone will work. At about 80Kps it's much faster than connecting via a mobile phone. The main Australian ISP is putting in a mobile network that will allow connections to the internet that are far faster than even cable. (about 10MBps I think). It will make all other types of connection seem like a bullock cart. Sooner or later Indian ISP's will probably do something similar."
the illusion of separateness
Jay Baba, it is around 6 pm and i better go to Meher Prasad, for the satsang and arti..... just see what i got from a brother on the subject! Very good example of HOW understanding our emotions can help dispell the darkness of Maya..... thanks /congradulations to my dear brother, enjoy, Jay Baba..... Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 'Instinctive attraction' may be groovy, but it's NOT love, which is what I've realized. …. but I've now realized I was following something located lower down. She excites me sexually, just looking at her, and my brain gets flooded with a hormone called Oxytocin which makes me feel emotionally high, (quite separate to my sexual arousal). Simultaneously, the parts of the brain responsible for reasoning and judgment are switched-off. Quite a diabolical process which is in most mammals. Profound abstract spiritual truths can be inspiring, but understanding why we do what we do can sometimes be better understood thru science. I am now free of the delusion that I was in love with her. And becoming free of Maya's spell (the illusion of separateness) is what spirituality is basically all about.
Avarat Meher Baba’s last warning
Avarat Meher Baba’s last warning To those who love Him, obey him and all who would wants to do so. Baba wants all His lovers to know that: This is a very critical period of the Avataric Age, and all His lovers must strive to their utmost to hold His Daaman very firmly so that it does not slip out of their hands under any circumstances.
It is very important for all His lovers, especially in this critical period not to succumb to lust. Temptations are, and will be great, but your love for Him should be greater. Remember Him wholeheartedly and rise swiftly from where you have fallen, to march ahead in His love and service.
It is equally important at this critical period of the Avataric Age, to beware at all times of persons who lead others into believing that they are saintly and pious and profess to possess supernatural powers. However pious such persons appear to be, a Baba-lover must never mix such piety with the Divinity of the Avatar.
A true Baba-lover must remember the repeated warning given to all Baba-lovers, time and again, to stay away from persons who feel and assert that they are masters and saints and possess powers to help human beings. His lovers and workers should never get involved with such persons and affairs, much less with “perverted “helpers of humanity”, who have no reverence or regard for the Perfect Masters and the Avatar of the Age. Beware of them who exploit spiritually to gain their selfish ends and dupe others in the name of Sadgurus and the Avatar.
His lovers and workers should not get intimately involved with the family affairs of one another, and they should not be emotionally upset by the personal affairs concerning any of their families. They should NOT let any personal affairs vitiate their relationship with one another, or affect their efforts in the work they do for the cause of Truth.
He wants His lovers and workers who are spreading His message of Love to others, to share His love among themselves and to uphold the spirit of harmony and understanding in His name. He wants them to be less aggressive toward others and less tolerant toward themselves; and above all, He wants them to love Him wholeheartedly, for He is the Ancient One, who loves them more than they can ever love themselves.
Meher Baba, through Adi K. Irani, July 1968
“Shun those masters who are like multi-coloured electric signs that flash on and off, brightening the dark sky of your world and leaving you in darkness again.” Baba, Febuary 1966
Selected JEWLES from Meher Babaji
2:00 PM, 5/29/2006 Jay Babaji, just typed these wonderful saying of Babaji and put them in a ‘different order’ that appeared in BELOVED BABA, a Non-religious, Non-commercial magazine, Jan&Feb 1995…will post asap…… there is no power here in this café’, and can only do the off-line work. Had my lunch and ready to go on….. enjoy them… felt to make the following appear in all my Gmails, as ‘signature’! There, the repetitions are allowed and even useful (to remind man of His Godliness or divinity.) Since I am in contact with many ‘non’ ‘Baba-lovers’ (we will have a talk about this word, ‘Baba-lover’, soon!) I hope it can inform/remind /inspire them of/for the Bhakti way!
Selected JEWLES from Meher Babaji There is no Sadhana greater than love.
There is no law higher than love. And there is no goal beyond love. God and love are identical.
From the beginning of all beginnings, I have been saying, I say it now, and to the end of ends I will say it that he who loves God becomes God.”
God alone is real, and all else that you see and feel is nothing but a series of nothings.
Except God all things are like a passing show. God is never changing, all else is ever-changing.
Births and deaths are illusory phenomena; one really dies when one is born to live as God, the Eternal who is beyond both birth and death.
On annihilating death in life by completely freeing consciousness of all illusion, man becomes God in the naked truth of His own true existence.
God is for those who are not for themselves.
Not by fruitless surveys of the past, nor by elusive longing for the future, nor by enslavement to the fleeting moment; but by staking everything for God, is it possible for you to experience yourself as the illimitable ocean of love. Here and nowhere else is the final solution of all your problems.
We must lose ourselves in order to find ourselves. Thus loss itself is gain. We must die to self, to live in God. Thus death means life. We must become completely void to be completely possessed by God. Thus complete emptiness means absolute fullness.
Have love, and you will conquer the lower and limited self of cravings that veil your own true self as God.
The Internal silence of God
Baba says: "External silence helps the inner silence and only in internal silence is Baba found, in profound inner silence. I speak eternally. The voice that is heard deep within the soul is my voice.”
Word-workers, a poet by dear Kaet poetess
met Kaet 3 weeks before i left Mcleod Ganj.... very beautiful soul, and a fine 'word-worker', who sings well and plays a number of instuments (guitar, flute.....) just enjoy how she describes herself and the rest of us.... Actually before reading/typing this now, i thought it was about her, but now i see that it is about me too, and you toooooooo........ i wish she could visit Meherabad, AND Iran, (when freed!) to spread her message of sharing and understanding.... (few words where not clear for me which i will ask her clarification later ) enjoy the vibe and see how we can apply the principle in our everyday communications! Word-workers What do you know about? What are your stories? Can you scream aloud your words in joy, To stop the world from flaking?
There’s just one thing we’ll ever know And that’s what we’ve experienced; Of all the places, times and faces We have felt and visited.
We all have words we use, To point our random telling; We all have tales stored in our beings, To bring us from our dwellings.
The greatest thing you could ever do: Is throw your puzzle to the wind; Share a piece of the maze that make you Share it with an absent friend.
Shed in half your chatter box Of a life, bit by bit; On your table, where there’s room For all of us to sit.
I will come to hear you talk To see the glisten in your eyes Tell me words of freedom I’ll even listen to your lies
I don’t have to know you Or like what you’ve to say But I’ll see the passionising That’s seeping through your days
You see, we all have a tale to tell You’re the master of your moments But buried treasure can’t be found If we don’t become Caribbean pirates.
“Ah Haar” we must say as we draw our rusty sword pint it to the brooding one Challenge the shy lord.
With questions of their life And queries fro their being With an interest in your eyes That will surely draw them in
Soon we will have them waling All about their inner wisdom flooding Into your little stream
See all of us will find our voice Before those who ‘want’ to hear The whisperings of our colours That paints the backdrop to our tears
For all of us possess a spark That words can illuminate Of all those times in your own divine That took an instant to create…
… a moment, a vision, a smile, a stroll A peace of chaos, a heavenly scroll, A look suspended on a child’s lashes A traveled road covered in ashes Encounters with random taxi car drivers A kiss of a mother, a stroke of a feather The wind at your window The smell of summer rain Or that time when Aunt Betsy flew in from Bahrain The smell of the airport in the transit lounge waiting For a flight to take you away from the shaking, the quivering, grasp of a lover In the sweat of sweet love from which you took shelter Or that time you farted between hymns in a chapel! Or saw the other half of a wiggling worm in your bitten apple!
So the next time you’re sitting with an absolute stranger Know there’s one way To escape the silent danger You could ask “how are you?” or, “what is it you do?” Or you could be a bit more interesting And go straight to step two!
Cut the crap and ask a question I’m sure they’re not expecting And before they think you’re weird Quickly ask another question
And if you ask with a generous Amount of genuinity It won’t take much for them to open Their soul for you to see
And Oh, what a pleasure I guarantee you it will be For the greatest gift one could ever give Is to show to you their ‘me’
And what is more beautiful Than the eyes of a story-teller For they dance a dance of mystery Of which you can’t decipher
Now don’t be fooled! At first their stories may be mundane Just continue to enquire as if you didn’t, You’d go insane.
Pretend every person Is a secret Steven Spielberg Izabelle Alande, or Arundhati Roy
And then the world may be Entertained by each other Instead of television Play station or computers
For behind every quiet person Is a face you cannot miss And if you become a word-worker You can inspire pure bliss
Find their freedom Inspire their smile Get them to talk About what they find worthwhile
And then you’ll never be faced With a social dilemma Cause what is more colourful Than a word-smiting stranger?
By now, you may have realized That to be a word-worker You can’t be on an ego-trip To their words you must surrender
So if it is your stories That you find all important And the only reason you’re inquiring Is to feed your own Endorphins! Then know the worst thing you can do Is to hear but not to listen Especially when you’ve invoked the key To spill forward another’s mission
So please be careful word-workers, out there! If you choose to go in blind, Not only will you miss their beauty You’ll insult their peace of mind
Lift them, create them Be inspired to paint them Nurture them, embrace them Give them permission to be ‘them’
But I know what you may be thinking Word-working is a gamble What if I inspire in them Stories that lead to shambles?!
Like: “Uncle Norm ran over the cat.” And, “Shirley lost her keys.” “My dog died last year.” And, “my wife cooks mushy peas.” “I’m a single mum with a daughter.” “I have a rare disorder.” “I bought three pair of socks last week.” “Ahh, excuse me, while I just go take a leak!”
well, let it be known for I guess it is true: some of us don’t own a passion it’s been buried too deep for any to see Below the Arctic Ocean
I don’t recommend you go diving too deep For who knows what you may stumble on?b But use your God-given intuition And know what point to move on
But if you sense the coming presence Of a passionate dreamy tale Seek to summon out their best In the secrets they want to tell
Become skilled in the art Of plucking vibrant strings Get them to play their instruments Try to spread their wings
Query their dreams of childhood Or a song they used to sing Ask about their holidays Don’t let them give in
To the mundaneness of their surface In which they’re used to living For many people live In shallow spaces of no-giving For they’re not used to anyone Interested in receiving
Pretend their suffering Is the surface of their ocean And beneath the cracking waves of drama Is a bliss that guides their motion Be reminded not to go too deep Else you both may drown Just find their swell of beauty And they will guide the sound
Around their broken coral reefs And through their dying shores To islands where they dare to dream In a land of their own cause
Take theme there to leave them At home in their mist Take them there to see them Stranded in their bliss
Inspire words of the extraordinary Cling to positivity Then the world around you Will become your endless journey Be proven: all are precious All have magic in their pond If you want to see under lock and key Tap them with your wand
And son we’ll have the whole world talking All about their inner ‘me’
For once one shows an interest Soon it will be there And four and a thousand more The next world-wide inquisition Into the very souls of others We’ll be spreading inspiration
High esteem will be the side effect A plague of self-worth For what is more empowering Than one to show interest in your birth?
Your reason d’etre, your being Your doing and your needing Your tales are purely sacred For no one sees what you are seeing
Soon we will have the doctors The psychics and paramedics Trying to find a cure For this “meaningful communication epidemic”
People start to wonder Where did all the small talks go? Well, I guess it will still be there For those who sign off on their true mojo
Then, someday you’ll find yourself Wallowing in solitude And a stranger will come to greet you And ask about your mood Then about your freedom And all about your glory And then you’ll find that all at once You’re inspired by your own story.
By: Kaet Brewer (poetess), Austalia
ZOROASTRANISM / A genetical solution for an inevitable problem
ZOROASTRANISM Thus spake Zarathushtra
“Teach us, Ahura Mazda, to live as comrades all, in willing fellowship and loving fraternity, in brotherly helpfulness and cooperation. Inspire us, O’ Ahura Mazda to live in mutual understanding and trust and peace.”
The Parsis came as refugees to India in the 8th century and sought from the King Sanjan permission to settle in his kingdom. The story of the king’s permission was made into songs and recited in the form of Gujarati Garbas (group songs and dances) which were performed on numerous happy occasions. An English translation is given below:
Jadhav Rana issued a proclamation inviting all citizens to assemble in an open Maidan (meadow). Once the throne covered with rich drapes, the Raja took his seat. He was dressed in royal robes, wore a magnificent turban and embroider velvet slippers. Ranged round him were his mounted bodyguards, dressed in white, holding glittering spears.
At the signal from Jadhav Rana, the Persian refugees were brought into the center of the assembly. Their frail old priest, holding a small Afarghan, with the sacred fire, was the spokesman for the group, through an interpreter.
“What is it you want from us, O’ strangers from a far-off land?” “Freedom of worship, Sir.” Replied the old priest. “Granted. What else do you wish? “Freedom to bring up our young, in our own traditions and customs.” “Granted. What else do you wish? “A small piece of land we could cultivate, so we may not be a burden to the people among whom we live.” “Granted. In return, what will you do for the country of your adoption?”
The old priest asked for a brass bowl to be filled with milk and brought to the assembly. This was done. He then stirred a spoonful of sugar in the bowl and holding it up his trembling hands, asked: “Does any man see the sugar in this bowl of milk?” all shook their heads. “Sir!” said the priest, “we shall try to be like this insignificant amount of sugar in the milk of your human kindness.”
There were murmurs of approval from the crowd. Then, at a signal from the priest, all the refugees __men, women and children __ prostrated themselves full length on the ground. Each picked up a handful of earth and with tears streaming down their faces, they passed it to their eyes and foreheads.
Contributes by: Lt General A. M. Sethna ,(Retired) Parsi Anjuman Dharmasala
JayBaba, thanks to the Raja Rana, who enjoyed the act of granting freedom, yfully accepted the prostrations and helped the refugees! Too sad the Parsi community here in India is NOT GROWING and on the way to decline (genetically speaking!) The best solution is the frequent marriages with ‘as far as possible genes’! But who is going to tie the bell?! Any idea/comment?!
Law of today 4:06 PM, 5/28/2006, yes it is Sunday and this wonderful law of Absolute Potentiality. Apply it to Baba’s teaching, and you can conclude that if you want to ‘become God’, why not today? Of course we can be what we came here for (God) ANY DAY, but it is always useful to ponder over it on Sundays, where the activities also suggest being in silence and with nature. So, despite the invitation to attend Meher Dham this PM, will probably stay here in this ‘cyber café’ and finished typing more of Baba. (was already there this morning and enjoyed the satsang and the arti.) Good news is that I could finally read another page on ZOROASTRIANISM and one more paragraph on CONFUCIANISM/TAOISM, where I left…..! So I post this and get back to my favorite type of ‘meditation’ = TYPING! Jay Baba Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
An old future dream (2)
7:58 PM, 5/27/2006…. Went for the walk and got a Sony catalog on the way .... went to the Ghandi Park nearby to read it…. Found the needed tool and filled it in the # 1 of this 'serial' (Speaking of ‘the needed tools’, let’s see what this advertise for Mac has for me! (BOLD type is from the ad.) Free yourself from the confines of a desk with the wireless technology in MacBook Pro.Yes, this is my main objective to ‘free myself’, so I can sit near the tomb, in the dining hall, at the Baba’s Cabin, at the Rahuri Cabin, etc…. to write and broadcast goodies for many! No worry about the frequesnt Arangaon power-cuts, or the working hours of the coffee-nets, while on the road. Collaborate with colleagues around the world from across the room using a Bluetooth headset and iChat AV over wireless Internet. What a wonderful experience to invite other Baba-lovers 'virtually' on the Hill and exchange information and loving feelings. Make last-minute changes to a presentation by sharing files over Bluetooth.Baba’s books in Persian can be edited faster this way. MacBook Pro makes it easy to take your show on the road. Yes, Hit the Road Jack, BUT come back HOME to Meherabad, for sure!Internet, unplugged AirPort Extreme gives you blazing connectivity speeds up to 54 megabits per second (1) using the 802.11g standard. This turbocharged technology lets you connect to the Internet without wires, additional phone lines, or complicated networking hardware. Use AirPort Extreme to get online wirelessly (2) at hundreds of Starbucks coffee shops or Borders book stores from coast to coast via T-Mobile. What a blessing! this is just the write tool, plus that it can support Persian texting and it can be a productive means to translate many of Baba's and the mandalis VCDs/DVDs into Farsi. (by the way, i have asked the sister in charge to copy a complete series of their collection for my expanding Baba's library (14 of them!) So now the only question is HOW to get these tools?! A friends from Iran suggested that I shall accept contributions from those who are willing to help make this ‘dream’ come true. May be this is the way. I will do ANY thing, WITHIN HIS LIMITS/according to His wish, in my 'new life with Baba', to obey Him and pay my due to His cause of Love and Service. Begging is the least I can go for! I am sure those who can see this as a ‘service’, will join hands to make it happen. But how to go about ‘begging’? Mail to mail? (door to door?) Or a mass mail? Or…? ANY idea or tip will be appreciated. Getting late, and since I do not to eat outside, I better go ‘home’ (Meher Prasad) and eat my own rice-rajma mixture! Will write/type more later….. tomorrow is Sunday and the LAW of the day is ABSOLUTE POTENTIALITY. Wish I can use this law to try my potentiality of expressing my ‘need’, as a ‘child’! Today the Law is the good old LAW OF DHARMA = why we have come to this life?/what is our 'role' in this Play of Leela? I feel I have come to make others more happy and more aware of their TRUE nature. This is in line with the response I get from my readership and friends and this is my best reward. Please if you read this blog, give me your own feelings and share your ideas and suggestions/criticism….. in His loving Grace, yours in this FIRE…………Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
A-Z of success, in Farsi
This A to Z list for a successful life was received by email from a friend and the reference is this: http://www.dadpey.com/الفبای موفقیت الف اشتیاق برای رسیدن به نهایت آرزوها ب بخشش برای تجلی روح و صیقل جسم پ پویایی برای پیوستن به خروش حیات ت تدبیر برای دیدن افق فرداها ث ثبات برای ایستادن در برابر باز دارنده ها ج جسارت برای ادامه زیستن چ چاره اندیشی برای یافتن راهی در گرداب اشتباه ح حق شناسی برای تزکیه نفس خ خود داری برای تمرین استقامت د دور اندیشی برای تحول تاریخ ذ ذکر گوئی برای اخلاص عمل ر رضایت مندی برای احساس شعف ز زیرکی برای مغتنم شمردن دم ها ژ ژرف بینی برای شکافتن عمق دردها س سخاوت برای گشایش کارها ش شایستگی برای لبریز شدن در اوج
ص صداقت برای بقای دوستی ض ضمانت برای پایبندی به عهد ط طاقت برای تحمل شکست ظ ظرافت برای دیدن حقیقت پوشیده در صدف ع عطوفت برای غنچه نشکفته باورها غ غیرت برای بقای انسانیت ف فداکاری برای قلبهای دردمند ق قدرشناسی برای گفتن نا گفته های دل ک کرامت برای نگاهی از سر عشق گ گذشت برای پالایش احساس ل لیاقت برای تحقق امید ها م محبت برای نگاه معصوم یک کودک ن نکته بینی برای دیدن نادیده ها و واقع گرایی برای دست یابی به کنه هستی ه هدفمندی برای تبلور خواسته ها ی یک رنگی برای گریز از تجربه دردهای مشترک
7 don't's after a meal
jay Babaji, it is 5:25 pm and i better go for a walk and come back... see what i found in my inbox!... the mispalcing is due to some pictures deleted while copy-pasting! enjoy.Hu 7 don't's after a meal * Don't smoke- Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher). * Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal. * Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest. * Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked. * Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach. * Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake. * Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine. FINALLY DONT JUST KEEP THIS EMAIL... PLEASE FORWARD IT TO YOUR FRIENDS. LET THEM BE AWARE!!!
“Believe nothing merely because you have been told it, or because it is traditional, or because you yourself have imagined it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatever you, after due examination and analysis, you find to be conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings, that doctrine believe in, and cling to and take as your guide.” Buddha
LXVII Buddha, The Peacemaker
It is reported that two kingdoms were on the verge of war, the possession of certain embankment being disputed by them. And the Buddha seeing the kings with their armies ready to fight, requested them to tell him the cause of their quarrelers. Having heard the complaints on both sides, He said, “I understood that the embankment has value for some of your people. Has it any intrinsic value aside from its service to your men?”
“ It has no intrinsic value whatsoever, “ was the reply.
The Tathagata continued, “Now, when you go to battle, it is not sure that many of your men will be slain; and you yourselves, O’ kings, are liable to lose your lives.”
And they said, “Verily, it is sure that many will be slain and our own lives be jeopardized.”
“The blood of men, however,” said Buddha, “has it less intrinsic value than a mound of earth?”
“No.” the kings said, “the lives of men and the lives of kings are priceless.” Then the Tathagata concluded, “Are you going to stake that which is priceless, against that which has no intrinsic value whatsoever?”
The wrath of the two monarchs abated, and they came to a peaceful agreement.
Parable from The Gosple of Buddha. As told by Paul Carus
"From the man’s mouth may come forth sharp arrows to wound, and fiery brands to burn. Take good heed, then , that neither issue from your mouth to the injury of others.” Confucius “Do not rectify to neglect an evil because it may seem small. Though small at first, it may continue to grow, until it overwhelms you.” Confucius
“By the accident of good fortune a man may rule the world for a time. But by virtue of love he may rule the world forever.” Lao Tzu
Seek to live in harmony with all your neighbors and at peace with thy brethren. Peace and love should reign throughout the world. The most High God seeks peace among his people.” ???
Friendship and brotherhood are the cardinal virtues. One should gather about many friends and should love them as brothers. The wise man will choose friends worthy of brotherly love.
The wise esteem peace and quiet above all else. The good ruler seeks peace and not war, and he rules by persuasion, rather than by force.
The spirit of brotherhood and kindness is necessary if one would win friends. The spirit of the market, where men sell goods, should not be the spirit of the good man.
From: Great Thoughts, compiled by G. F. Maine From: Unity in Diversity, compiled by O. P. Ghat From: An Introduction to Equality of Religions, compiled by Dr. N.L. Gupta
“Baba is the soul of souls, The Beloved of Gods, The Life of His Lovers And He is the slave of His dear Ones”
Dear Baba lovers,
We delightfully invite you to ‘Meher Fest’ organized at ‘MeherDham’ in Fathegarh (district : Farrukhabad) . This newly developed Baba centre is the result of Baba’s grace and endless combined effort of our family and Baba lovers who really joined together to establish the centre especially at a place where people hardly knew about Baba ( The Avatar).
Surprisingly from the time the statue has been placed in the centre Baba has been performing miracles in the lives of His Lovers and thus has placed His divine love in the hearts and minds of poeple once devoid of spirituality and love. Thus we planned to organize two days festival for our Beloved Baba on June 10th and 11th 2006, and lovingly invite each and every Baba lover to experience the outpour of the infinite bliss and see Baba in all His Glory. As we know that it’s the plan of Baba to reach to those who are aware as well as those who are still unaware of the Avatarhood of baba we request all lovers to gather at ‘Meherdham’ and share the gaiety and receive His blessing. . Beloved God is the Goal Love is the Means The Lover can reach the Beloved through love.
Day: 10th and 11th June, 2006. Timing: Venue: Avatar Meher Baba Sewa Samiti Meher Dham , Yaquitganj , Fatehgarh District Farrukhabad (Uttar Pradesh) India mobile no. 09336063350
Contact: voluntary programme are invited on prior intimation basis. Jai Baba
Learning this Giraffe language is NOT an easy job!
3:49 PM / 5/27/2006 Jay Baba, typing the first two ‘conflicting religions’ (in Maya, not in Reality) gave me more energy to absorb the vibes and also enough time to send some of my translations for friends in Iran (some will get them outside Iran too.) Now 3:49 PM we went on UPS to see …. Home-made lunch was done! So now, after about 5 hours in this coffee net, will take a short break, right here on this chair (do not want to lose the seat!) and will type the rest. Looking closer to them I find out that the pages for CHRISTIANITY and SIKHISM AND JUDAISM are so wiped out that no one can read them. Even CONFUCIANISM/TAOISM IS HALF-UNREADABLE! So, sorry about the losing arts and if anyone by any chance has a copy of this calendar (word HARIG is typed on every page + a nice circular logo! (‘the typing machine’, my nickname given by myself 2 years ago, is working again!) by the way, I got some wonderful feed-backs from my last email to Baba-lovers (in a Mail-Merge group): the mst exciting and delightful of all was from dearest Boroni, who informed so: “…, I am into my 3rd Compassionate Communication course so far this year and loving it, although it is as difficult as any new language it slowly becomes the way of speaking and feeling and empathy, In Song, Boroni
This is just great! Yes, as she says, learning this Giraffe language is NOT an easy job! Good for the ‘tolerant seekers of the Truth’!, but it worth trying and the effort, in effortlessness! So now, we may extend this idea to the WHOLE HOLY HILL, and the vicinity, Arangaon, Pimplgaon, or even here in Dehradun, or even in Dilli (as they spell it there!) Any way, I post this for now and go back to work….. Yesterday was only 9.5 hours! Jay Babaji
ISLAM = summary of the teachings
“Good and Evil are not alike. Repel Evil with Good, between whom and you there is enmity will become your dearest friend.” Koran (41:34)
In his quest for peace, the prophet strove to convince people that all men and women __ wherever they live and however different they seemed from one another, in color, culture and language __ were in fact each others brothers and sisters. His message was crucial, for a proper relationship of love and respect can be established only if human beings regard one another in this light. To inculcate such feeling, the Prophet would say to His followers: “You are all Adam’s offspring and Adam was made of clay.”
In the same vein, the Prophet exhorted His followers, “A true believer is one with whom others feel secure, one who returns love for hatred.” He used to teach believers that anyone who would return love only when love was given, belonged on a lower ethical plane. The true believer never reasons that it is only if people treat him well that he will treat them well in return.
He is accustomed, rather, to doing good to those who mistreat him; He refrains from harming those who do him injury. The Prophet Himself set the example: all His recorded words and actions reveal Him as a man of great gentleness, humility, good humor and common sense, whose love embraced both humans and animals. He would tell his people that, “Every religion has some special characteristic; that of Islam being modesty.” In the absence of such a virtue, no community can enjoy lasting peace.
The prophet’s own modesty, coupled with great strength of character, is illustrated by the well-known story of old Meccan woman, who hated the Prophet. Every morning, when the Prophet passed by her house, she would empty a basket of rubbish on His head. He never remonstrated with her. One day, when the Prophet passed by, no rubbish fell on His head. Going upstairs to inquire after the old woman’s health, He found her ill in bed. On seeing the Prophet, she began to weep, “I ill-treated you, and now you come to ask about my health!” The patience, tolerance that the Prophet evinced in refusing to be provoked __ preferring to show kindness and magnanimity to one who had wished Him ill__ is worthy of emulation.
Contributed by Saniyas Nain Khan
Jay Baba.... at the back of that page was HINDUISM: (good to start with, since it gives a BROAD view of the cosmos, from the very beginning!)
“The cosmos is one integrated unity. Variety in it does not come into conflict with its underlying unity."
Separatism and segregation are the ways of ignorant. They are not n tune with the plan of nature. Man progresses by harmonizing and by agreeably adjusting himself by helping all and by promoting the general welfare, man adds to his own personality.
Swami Chidbhavananda
Om Dyouh Shanti, Antariksha Shanti, Prithvi Shanti, Aapah Shanti, Oshadayah Shanti, Vanaspatah Shanti, Vishvedevah Shanti, Bhrahma Shanti, Sarvam Shanti, Shanti Shanti, Eva Shanti, Sama shanty.
May the heavens give rise to Peace. May the atmosphere give rise to Peace. May the Earth give rise to Peace. May the Water give rise to Peace. May the Herbs give rise to Peace. May the Vegetation give rise to Peace. May the Scholar/learned give rise to Peace. May the Knowledge of God give rise to Peace. May the Peace prevail in the entire universe. May the Peace itself give rise to Peace. May we attain the peace that is indeed true.
Om Shanti Shanti, Shanti…….
Yajurveda Samhita Chapter 36, Verse 17
Summary of the teachings of the great religions of the world
New small project! In this February, when I was in Meher Baba's Delhi center (Founded at the presence of Ali Akbar, Alobaji) , I saw about 9 framed pictures (19*25 cm), at the enterance hall-wall, which actually contained the summary of the teachings of major religions of the world. Since some of the lines were already faded and not clear to read, I took all of them down and released them from the frame and made a promise to type them and send them to the center, a s a p. It seems that NOW it is possible. Unfortunately, even with great care to preserve them, I see now that some of them have been totally ‘gone’ (no ink left to make them readable!) They were cut and framed from a calendar which says, at the bottom line: “This calendar is dedicated to all beings working toward the ideals of unity and peace.”
The first ‘frame’ also reads this at the top: “The narrow-minded ask ‘Is this one of our tribe, or is he a stranger?’ But to those who are of a noble disposition, the whole world is but one family.” HipopandessaAnd in the center, is the following which seems VERY relevant to our new situation regarding Iran/Israel/USA :
As the dreaded nuclear ghost Looms large to haunt and host The terrifying possibility Of its unnerving ability to destroy And create another holocaust,
We share with you Some special stories, Prayers, parables and philosophies on Unity, peace, tolerance and compassion
From the great religions of the world In the hope they may serve To dispel in some measure Our ignorance of and intolerance towards Each other’s faiths.
“Married life...." by Baba
“Married life must be inline with the divine plan. It has to be undertaken as a real spiritual enterprise that is intended to discover what life can be at its best.” Avatar Meher Baba Wow, what a challenge! To continue one of the topics I would like to pursue, I typed this here and leave it for now, just to come back to it soon. This is related to my own life and lives of many others who live in Meherabad, a bachelor type of life! I enjoy it, yet I am sure that with a loving ‘divine partner’, life can be much more fun and productive. Just imagine that some of those ’bitter looking’, long-faces on the Hill, find the right ‘partner’ and cheer up! What a blessing for themselves and for the ‘family’. Anyone interested to set up an info-bank on this subject, please feel free to contribute for this sacred task! Jay Baba
Existence vs Life, by Babaji
found this on the back cover of Beloved Baba magazine, Jan/Feb. 1995 "Existence is substance, whereas life is shadow. Existence is Eternal, whereas life is perishable. Existence is God, whereas life is illusion. Existence is Reality, whereas life is imagination. Existence is Everlasting, whereas life is passing. Existence is Unchangeable, whereas life is ever-changing. Existence is Freedom, whereas life is a binding. Existence is Indivisible, whereas life is multiple. Existence is Imperceptible, whereas life is deception. Existence is Independent, whereas life is dependent on mind, energy and gross forms. Existence Is, whereas life is appears to be. Therefore Existence is not life." Avatar Meher Baba
Never give up, by Dalai Lama
...This 'poem' i wrote in my note-book in Mcleod Ganj, Dharmasala, HP, last month. Enjoy... Never give up Fly like eagle Don’t be afraid You have the wing You can fly
You fail You are prayed But never give up Never give up Never give up This existence loves you This life is meant for you So, never give up.
10th post of the day
Jay Baba, it is 5:32 pm here and still the typing job is not started. almost 6 hours and just ordered some Masal Chai to go on doing some of the work. 9 posts were good enough for today and one or more may come later, before i leave this coffee-net. it is quiet and the owner is very helpful and facilities are good. Had no card-reader to download Goodarz' pictures though! Wish he can send me some by email soon. so i can post them here for you. more will come soon! Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
The Ball is in America's Court
Jay Baba, we all know that i am not into 'politics' AT ALL. Yet, certain 'practical' issues concerning 'peaceful approaches to violent alternatives' always attracts me. the following article was on YESMAGAZINE and i thought of sharing it with all. if someone can translate it, would be fine and practical! Have not read it yet, but looks as it can be worth the time. A Practical Guide to Diffusing the Iran Crisis and Halting Nuclear Proliferation by Alice Slater The Ball is in America's Court There most definitely is a diplomatic solution to the crisis being manufactured over Iran’s nuclear ambitions – but it goes much further than the current impotent suggestions being offered for jaw-jaw rather than war-war with Iran. The US must honor its own agreement under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), put a halt to the development of new nuclear weapons, and take up Putin's offer of several years ago to cut our mutual nuclear arsenals of about 10,000 weapons to 1,000. Once the US and Russia get down to reasonable numbers approaching the arsenals of the other nuclear weapons states – China, UK, France and Israel, who have stockpiles in the hundreds, and India, Pakistan, and North Korea who have less than one hundred bombs in their arsenals – then we can take up China's offer to negotiate a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons and call all the nuclear weapons states to the table.Civil society has already produced a Model Nuclear Weapons Convention drafted by experts, lawyers, and policy makers in the Abolition 2000 Network, which was introduced into the UN General Assembly by Costa Rica as a discussion document. It lays out all the steps for dismantlement, verification, guarding, and monitoring the disassembled arsenals to insure that we will all be secure from break-out. Coupled with that, we must take up Russia and China's proposal, offered every year for the past four years in the UN to ban all weapons in space. That is a pre-condition for Russia and China's agreement to abolish nuclear weapons as they do not want to be dominated from space, as the US Space Command perceives its mission. We must also supercede the NPT's guarantee of an "inalienable right" to so-called "peaceful" nuclear technology, upon which Iran is now lawfully relying, by establishing an International Sustainable Energy Agency as we phase out nuclear power. Since every nuclear power plant is a potential bomb factory we wouldn't be dealing with a full deck if we attempted to eliminate nuclear weapons without phasing out nuclear power. The negotiations and dismantlement could be done within 10 years, which is how long it would take Iran to enrich its "peaceful" technology to make a bomb. By that time, with the whole world making nuclear weapons and nuclear power taboo, we should be able to convince Iran that it would be acting illegally under these new conditions. All of the other nuclear weapons states have stated that they would be willing to give up their nuclear weapons, numbering in the 100s or 10s – if everyone else does. So the ball is in America's court. The US has been the biggest block to the world’s ability to stop nuclear proliferation. It's totally naive to think that anything less than the total elimination of nuclear weapons, and their evil twins – nuclear reactors – would actually work. To think otherwise is a clear indication that we’re not dealing with a full deck. We will be condemning our planet to a state of perpetual war – with unimaginable catastrophes. Giving peace a chance by negotiating an end to the nuclear age is the only practical way out of our terrifying dilemma. Alice Slater is the President of GRACE. She is a founder of Abolition 2000, a global network working for a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons, and serves on its International Coordinating Committee and as the Convener of its Sustainable Energy Working Group. She is a member of the YES! Speaker's Bureau.
Albert Einstein, God and Satan
a real stroy of Albert when he was a school boy about Satan, NOT BEING authntic, only the ABSENCE OF GOD. آیا شیطان وجود دارد؟ آیا خدا شیطان را خلق کرد؟استاد دانشگاه با این سوال ها شاگردانش را به چالش ذهنی کشاند. آیا خدا هر چیزی که وجود دارد را خلق کرد؟شاگردی با قاطعیت پاسخ داد:"بله او خلق کرد" استاد پرسید: "آیا خدا همه چیز را خلق کرد؟"شاگرد پاسخ داد: "بله, آقا" استاد گفت: "اگر خدا همه چیز را خلق کرد, پس او شیطان را نیز خلق کرد. چون شیطان نیز وجود دارد و مطابق قانون که کردار ما نمایانگر ماست , خدا نیز شیطان است"شاگرد آرام نشست و پاسخی نداد. استاد با رضایت از خودش خیال کرد بار دیگر توانست ثابت کند که عقیده به مذهب افسانه و خرافه ای بیش نیست.شاگرد دیگری دستش را بلند کرد و گفت: "استاد میتوانم از شما سوالی بپرسم؟"استاد پاسخ داد: "البته" شاگرد ایستاد و پرسید: "استاد, سرما وجود دارد؟"استاد پاسخ داد: "این چه سوالی است البته که وجود دارد. آیا تا کنون حسش نکرده ای؟ " شاگردان به سوال مرد جوان خندیدند. مرد جوان گفت: "در واقع آقا, سرما وجود ندارد. مطابق قانون فیزیک چیزی که ما از آن به سرما یاد می کنیم در حقیقت نبودن گرماست. هر موجود یا شی را میتوان مطالعه و آزمایش کرد وقتیکه انرژی داشته باشد یا آنرا انتقال دهد. و گرما چیزی است که باعث میشود بدن یا هر شی انرژی را انتقال دهد یا آنرا دارا باشد. صفر مطلق (460- F) نبود کامل گرماست. تمام مواد در این درجه بدون حیات و بازده میشوند. سرما وجود ندارد. این کلمه را بشر برای اینکه از نبودن گرما توصیفی داشته باشد خلق کرد. "شاگرد ادامه داد: "استاد تاریکی وجود دارد؟"استاد پاسخ داد: "البته که وجود دارد" شاگرد گفت: "دوباره اشتباه کردید آقا! تاریک هم وجود ندارد. تاریکی در حقیقت نبودن نور است. نور چیزی است که میتوان آنرا مطالعه و آزمایش کرد. اما تاریکی را نمیتوان. در واقع با استفاده از قانون نیوتن میتوان نور را به رنگهای مختلف شکست و طول موج هر رنگ را جداگانه مطالعه کرد. اما شما نمی توانید تاریکی را اندازه بگیرید. یک پرتو بسیار کوچک نور دنیایی از تاریکی را می شکند و آنرا روشن می سازد. شما چطور می توانید تعیین کنید که یک فضای به خصوص چه میزان تاریکی دارد؟ تنها کاری که می کنید این است که میزان وجود نور را در آن فضا اندازه بگیرید. درست است؟ تاریکی واژه ای است که بشر برای توصیف زمانی که نور وجود ندارد بکار ببرد."در آخر مرد جوان از استاد پرسید: "آقا, شیطان وجود دارد؟"زیاد مطمئن نبود. استاد پاسخ داد: "البته همانطور که قبلا هم گفتم. ما او را هر روز می بینیم. او هر روز در مثال هایی از رفتارهای غیر انسانی بشر به همنوع خود دیده میشود. او در جنایتها و خشونت های بی شماری که در سراسر دنیا اتفاق می افتد وجود دارد. اینها نمایانگر هیچ چیزی به جز شیطان نیست." و آن شاگرد پاسخ داد: "شیطان وجود ندارد آقا. یا حداقل در نوع خود وجود ندارد. شیطان را به سادگی میتوان نبود خدا دانست. درست مثل تاریکی و سرما. کلمه ای که بشر خلق کرد تا توصیفی از نبود خدا داشته باشد. خدا شیطان را خلق نکرد. شیطان نتیجه آن چیزی است که وقتی بشر عشق به خدا را در قلب خودش حاضر نبیند. مثل سرما که وقتی اثری از گرما نیست خود به خود می آید و تاریک که در نبود نور می آید.نام آن مرد جوان: آلبرت انیشتنflower
where is the source?

who is this 2-legged creature? what is that light of love? looking for the origine? where is the source? why not an centipad? why not an elephant? why not a tree? or a stone? why me? why you? why us? where to go? but within? jay Babaji
compassionate communication / by Marshall B. Rosenberg
Jay Baba, enjoy his wisdom and humor (i have 2 VCDs of him explaining his approach and it was a delight to see it in Amit/Kaet home, in Rishi Bhavan, Mcleod Ganj, this month. The Language of Nonviolence by Sarah van Gelder and Marshall E. Rosenburg "When words come from the heart, they break through barriers and elicit compassion", says Marshall Rosenberg. Marshall Rosenberg travels the globe teaching Nonviolent Communication to diplomats, educators, corporate managers, parents, military personnel, peace activists, and others in over 20 countries. He has conducted mediation sessions in the Middle East, Sierra Leone, Croatia, and Rwanda. Sarah van Gelder interviewed Marshall when he was on Bainbridge Island to help mediate a dispute between developers and local activists. SARAH: What was it that first got you interested in nonviolent communication? MARSHALL: I got interested in this type of communication through pondering two kinds of smiles. My family was the only Jewish family in our Detroit neighborhood, and I was exposed to a considerable amount of violence. The beatings every day on my way home were not pleasant, of course, but what bothered me most was that the onlookers would smile and enjoy it. During each day of my childhood, I also saw another kind of smile. My grandmother was totally paralyzed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and my uncle came over to help care for her every day after he finished working. My grandmother was incontinent at that time, so it required cleaning her up. As a boy of eight or nine, I thought it was a horrible job! But I couldn’t wait for the uncle to come, because he smiled as though he were getting the greatest pleasure a person could get just by serving my grandmother. I grew up wondering why it is that some people smile when others are being beaten and other people smile when they’re giving pleasure, even though it may mean doing dirty work.
SARAH: Where did you go to look for the answer to that question? MARSHALL: I got a doctoral degree in psychology, but I was very dissatisfied with its focus on pathology. The training didn’t help me understand very compassionate people like my uncle. So, for about a year, I studied comparative theology on my own. I saw the commonality that existed in many religions, especially around this word “love.” I soon saw that the words “compassion” and “love” were not so much feelings as they were actions. They are a way of serving people with pleasure and getting joy from that service. I think that is part of our nature. When I say that, people sometimes think I’m rather Pollyanna-ish to talk this way with the enormity of violence in the world. I see an awful lot of violence in my work, but I’ve become even more convinced that violence is not our nature. I was in a refugee camp in Sierra Leone, Africa, and there were hundreds of frightened kids just sitting around who had lost their parents. One of the men I worked with went over and told these kids that I liked one of their hymns. Then he called me over as a surprise and said, “These kids have something they want to give you.” Now, I had just seen them a few minutes before – pathetic, frightened, scared. But when he told them that this would be a real gift to me, they started to sing me this hymn, and I couldn’t believe the looks of pure joy and happiness on their faces. It’s amazing. People, no matter what conditions they’re under, can give. SARAH: How does your approach to communication get people in touch with love and compassion? MARSHALL: The purpose of the model we use is to enable us to respond compassionately to ourselves and others, and to strengthen our ability to inspire compassion from others. We call the language that we teach “giraffe language,” though its official name is “Nonviolent Communication.” I use the image of a giraffe because it’s a language of the heart, and a giraffe has the largest heart of any land animal. Unfortunately for myself, I was taught to speak “ jackal language.” You see, a jackal is closer to the ground. They get so preoccupied with getting their needs met that they just can’t see into the future like the tall giraffe. Jackals speak in ways that block compassionate communication, because they’re motivated out of fear, shame, and guilt.
SARAH: Can you talk about jackal language first? I was particularly struck by your idea of how we always have choices in how we act.MARSHALL: I first got the idea that we always have choices from the psychologist who examined the top Nazi war criminals. What he found was that they were pretty normal, nice people. But I noticed as I was reading through the interviews how often a language was used by these people that denied choice: “should,” “one must,” “have to.” In Hannah Arendt’s book, Eichmann in Jerusalem, Eichmann was asked, “Was it difficult for you to send these tens of thousands of people to their death?” And Eichmann answered very candidly, “To tell you the truth, it was easy. Our language made it easy.” His interviewer asked what that language was, and Eichmann said, “My fellow officers and I coined our own name for our language. We called it amtssprache – ‘office talk.’” When asked for examples, Eichmann said, “It’s basically a language in which you deny responsibility for your actions. So if anybody says, ‘Why did you do it?’ you say, ‘I had to.’ ‘Why did you have to?’ ‘Superiors’ orders. Company policy. It’s the law.’” There’s no force on Earth that can make us do anything that we don’t choose to do, though we may not always like the choices that we’re aware of. SARAH: You’ve mentioned two other types of language that block compassion – evaluations and demands.
MARSHALL: The Nazis and others who persecute people, in addition to denying responsibility for their actions, evaluate themselves and others through the use of dehumanizing labels, diagnoses, and interpretations. That involves using such words as “kikes,” “niggers,” or “gooks,” etc. I’m equally concerned about positive diagnoses, by the way. Whether I say you are a nice person or a selfish person, I’m still claiming to know what you are and thereby alienating myself from the truth about you. I believe that diagnosing and interpreting other people disconnects us from their vulnerability and encourages us to punish them. A third type of jackal language is a demand. As I use the term, demands carry a threat of punitive action if not acted upon. For example, let’s say I just asked you to get me some water, and you reply that you are tired and would appreciate it if I asked someone else to get me some water. Then I say, “You’re just lazy. I’ve done more work than you have today.” We would realize that I was making a demand because of my attempt to punish you through shame for not acting in harmony with my desires. I learned about the self-defeating nature of demands when I was a practicing psychologist. I spent many hours talking with children who weren’t doing what their parents were requesting. I learned that the kids were receiving those requests as demands. The children would tell me things like, “I don’t feel like studying when my parents threaten to take away my allowance.” Or, “Would you feel like taking the garbage out if your parents said that you were lazy and irresponsible?” SARAH: OK, let’s talk about giraffe language. How do you foster compassionate communication? MARSHALL: We basically ask people to answer the question that we ask all over the world: “How are you?” Of course, “ How are you?” has become ritualized in many cultures, but it’s a profoundly important question, because living in harmony with our nature – which I think is compassion – requires being able to stay connected to one another. So, our training involves nakedly and vulnerably revealing at any given moment how you are. The next step is to talk about what could be done to make life even more wonderful. In my work, I find that if people would just keep their communication focused at that level – “How are you? What would make your life more wonderful?” –this natural compassion flows even when the people have an enormously painful history. For example, I was asked to work in a village in Nigeria where a quarter of the population had been killed in conflicts between Muslims and Christians that year. I’m in a room with the chiefs of both tribes; my friend had told me earlier there would be at least three people in that room who knew that somebody who killed their child was there with them. So, what do I do? I try to get people’s attention focused on those two areas: “How are you? What would make life more wonderful for you?”
One of the key ingredients is to find out what their needs are that aren’t getting met. So I asked both sides, “What are your needs?” And a chief from one of the tribes looks at the other and says, “You people are murderers!” And the other side immediately jumps up and says, “You people have been trying to dominate us for years!” I believe that this analysis implying wrongness creates violence. In a case like this one, I try to hear how the person is behind their talk. I hear the need that’s being expressed, and then I help the other side hear that. Then I keep that flow going back and forth. No matter how they communicate, I translate it into how they are and help each side connect compassionately at that level. Within about two hours, one of the chiefs said, “If we knew how to do this ourselves, we wouldn’t have to kill each other.” If I can keep people focused, I have yet to see any conflict that can’t be resolved. Now, it’s not easy to keep people at that level.SARAH: Because it’s asking people to be vulnerable? MARSHALL: Well, that’s a part of it. Instead of teaching us how to communicate in this vulnerable way, our cultural programming has taught us to imply wrongness in people who behave in ways that you don’t like. If you live within such a culture, then yes, it’s very scary to be vulnerable. I get into a lot of settings, especially in businesses, where people are not used to being vulnerable. They’re all in a competitive game. During one session, I got very emotional. Tears came to my eyes. The boss of this organization just looked really disgusted and turned away from me. It was horrible for a few seconds, because I allowed the look on his face to stimulate old jackal programming in me. I thought, “Oh, my God, I’ve behaved inappropriately. He must think I’m a real mess.” But, when I remembered to direct my attention to how he was feeling and what he was needing, I said to him, “Are you feeling disgusted and needing whoever’s running a meeting like this to have his emotions more in control?” At that moment, it wasn’t painful for me to be vulnerable, because I was seeing his vulnerability. I really thought I was accurate, but I was surprised with his response, because he said, “No, no. I was just thinking of how my wife wishes I could cry. I’m getting a divorce right now. She says that living with me is like living with a stone.” SARAH: Does your approach require that all involved are willing to play by certain rules? MARSHALL: No, you can keep this process going with anybody regardless of how they’re communicating. The important thing is to teach people how to listen for how the other person is, even when that other person doesn’t know how to communicate very clearly. SARAH: I was interested in an example you shared in one of your workshops about a group of teachers who were having a conversation that wasn’t feeding you spiritually. MARSHALL: Well, I was sitting around with a group of teachers who were all talking about what they did on vacation. Within ten minutes, my energy had dropped very low; I had no idea what people were feeling or wanting. In giraffe, we know it’s not being kind to the other person to smile and open your eyes wide to hide the fact that your head has gone dead. The person in front of you wants their words to enrich you, so when they aren’t, it’s helpful to be kind and stop them. Of course, in the jackal culture, this isn’t done. After listening awhile to the teachers, I screwed up my courage and said, “Excuse me, I’m impatient with the conversation because I’m not feeling as connected with you as I’d like to be. It would help me to know if you’re enjoying the conversation.” All nine people stopped talking and looked at me as if I had thrown a rat in the punch bowl. For about two minutes, I thought I’d die, but then I remembered to look at the feelings and needs being expressed through the silence. I said, “I guess you’re all angry with me, and you would have liked for me to have kept out of the conversation.” The moment I turned my attention to what they were feeling and needing, I removed their power to demoralize me. However, the first person who spoke told me, “No, I’m not angry. I was just thinking about what you were saying. I was bored with this conversation.” And he had been doing most of the talking! But this doesn’t surprise me. I have found that if I am bored, the person doing the talking is probably equally bored, which usually means we’re not talking from life; we’re acting out some socially-learned habits. Each one of the nine people then expressed the same feelings I had – impatience, discouragement, lifelessness, inertia. Then one of the women asked, “Marshall, why do we do this? Why do we sit around and bore each other? We get together every week and do this!” I said, “Because we probably haven’t learned to take the risk that I just did, which is to pay attention to our vitality. Are we really getting what we want from life? Each moment is precious, so when our vitality is down, let’s do something about it and wake up.” SARAH: How does somebody who feels very strongly about making a change in political or economic institutions use the techniques you teach? MARSHALL: Well, once you realize that you have choices, you can learn to live this process in contexts that are very hard. This Kung Fu giraffe, as I call it, involves staying with Nonviolent Communication even in a group situation in which you’re in a minority and everybody else is using jackal language. For example, I see that the product our company is making pollutes the environment. I’m working within an authoritarian institution, so how do I effectively communicate my concerns within that structure even though the group I’m dealing with speaks jackal, and some people have the power to punish me if I don’t buy the party line? The first thing is to get access to the people on the other side. For this process to work, there needs to be a flow of communication and compassion between parties. If we can have enough time to get that flow going, we can resolve any differences. But let’s say these people are not willing to give me access, and I feel that their behavior in the meantime is harmful. Then I might have to use what we call “the protective use of force.” You use this kind of force to protect, not punish, the other people. That might involve things like organizing an employee strike, a boycott of the product, or other nonviolent techniques needed to protect the environment. They may not solve the conflict, but they may get the other side to agree to negotiate. SARAH: There may be cases where one party feels that certain considerations, such as financial ones, are more important than the needs of the other group. I can imagine situations in which there could be a very open conversation and still no resolution at the end of it. MARSHALL: When we keep this flow going, I have not seen that happen. But let’s go back to that situation. Again, suppose I’m concerned that the product a company is making pollutes the environment. I may start by stereotyping the other person: “He’s only interested in money. He has no regard for the environment.” If I think that way about that person, I become part of the problem, because I’ve dehumanized that person in my mind. Labels are static, and life is a process. We’re missing what’s going on when we label, and it leads us to act toward them in a certain way that usually provokes the very thing that we’re labeling. If I’m in conflict with people, I try to hear what needs they have. Now, “needs,” as we define the term, are universal; all human beings have the same needs. So if I connect to what people are needing, I’m one with them. I care about their needs. At the moment that they sense that I am as interested in their needs as my own, we can find a way to get everybody’s needs met. So more concretely, what would that look like? This man might say, “Our work is not going to harm the environment. Our tests have demonstrated that this is not going to harm the environment.” So, this person shares the same needs that I have. I want to protect the environment. Apparently, he’s concerned about the environment also. Now, where we might differ is in our ways of measuring whether something is harmful to the environment. But notice our needs are not in conflict. This person doesn’t want to destroy someone’s habitat, and he doesn’t want to be a menace. You see? SARAH: There may be a tremendous amount of money to be made from the product. MARSHALL: Well, that’s the other side of it! Now, we don’t have a need for money, but money can be instrumental in meeting certain needs. This man wants respect. He wants the material security that money can contribute to. I have those same needs. So, this man’s needs connect with mine. I’d like to find a way to get security and respect for him in a way that meets my needs as well. I’m confident that if this man trusted that I’m equally concerned with his needs as my own, we can find a way to meet everybody’s needs. SARAH: What do you see going on in the world right now that gives you the most hope? MARSHALL: I’ve seen a rapid change in the last 30 years toward a kind of consciousness that gives me hope. I’m also optimistic because, everywhere in the world, people are hungry to learn new ways of communication. For example, people have heard about our training, and we can’t get to them fast enough! Giraffe Language at Home
The following dialogue took place at a workshop with Marshall B. Rosenberg. Marshall asked participants for situations where they might use “giraffe language.”
participant: I have a teenager who has messed up the living room. My need is for it to be clean, because that makes me feel good. marshall: When dealing with children, you first say what you want the child to do. Second, ask yourself what you want her reasons to be for doing it. I’m convinced that we never want anything done for us out of fear, guilt, or shame. Now, I’ll demonstrate what such a conversation might sound like.
...giraffe-speaking mother: When the house is neat, I feel really good, and I would like you to keep it clean. jackal-speaking daughter: Oh, Mom, loosen up. It’s not going to hurt anything if the house has a few things out of order. You only live once.
mother: I hear you’re frustrated. daughter: Yes, thank you. There’s so much pressure around here.
mother: So you’d like me to lighten up? daughter: Yes! [marshall: Now the mother can go back to her needs. It will be a different game, because the daughter has had at least a moment of connection where she felt her mother heard her.]
mother: When I see things in order, I feel better inside. It would be a great gift to me if other people were willing to maintain this order. daughter: Sigh. I have to clean the house.
mother: Well, I can see that I haven’t made myself clear. Let’s try again. For me, when I have a sense of order, I can breathe easier. daughter: Lighten up!
mother: Excuse me. Could you just tell me what you heard me say before reacting? daughter: You said I had to clean up.
mother: In the past, I did use language like that – “You have to,” or “You can’t go around living like a slob.” But now I want to start over and come to an understanding between us. Can you tell me what you just heard me say? daughter: That when you come home and see the house in order, it feels good to you.
mother: It feels very good! When I don’t have that, my life feels scattered. daughter: Well, you shouldn’t feel that way.
mother: Whether I should feel that way or not, that’s not the issue. Could you tell me what you just heard me say? daughter: That when you have that order, you feel really good inside and peaceful.
mother: Yes, and right now, you met a big need of mine, which was to hear you say that before you reacted. It feels good to me that we can talk to each other this way. How do you feel? daughter: I feel like I have to do things that I just don’t want to do.
mother: So when it seems like a pressure or demand, it takes away the pleasure of doing it? daughter: Yeah.
mother: That’s why I am really frustrated about the way I used to ask you to do things in the past. I see how you might be reacting to that. Is there a way we could change that so you do things to contribute to my well-being instead of feeling pressure? daughter: I think so. Can I give you some ideas?
An old future dream!
Jay Baba, to go back to the past is only justified to make a point for the PRESENT and the FUTURE..... it is true that there is no 'future' as such, YET, for me and us, there will be PRESENT moments, Baba's wish/will, in which we can communicate more effectively and pleasantly. Yes, being a student of MEDIA, now I feel i can use this 4-Ws (first it is WONDERFUL) to communicate with my new/old friends/foes! What a joy! The ONLY obstacle/problem I see to make this ‘dream’ coming true is the lack of my needed TOOLS. What is this dream and what are the tools? Maybe if I clarify these important issues for myself and others___ who may help implementing this project, it might actually help to implement it! Yes? The dream is to have a 24*7 Radio service = pod-casting NON-STOP words (text), sound (music) and pictures (images) of ALL the Avataras, Great Souls and teachers of the humanity. Clear enough?! When Vatican has its own pod-casting system, why not Meher Baba? Now the question is only of the ‘tools’. To my present technical knowledge, it is only a matter of ‘right choice’ of the functionality, which so far had led me here: …. The Intel Core Duo powering MacBook Pro is actually two execution cores built into a single chip. This, combined with myriad other engineering leaps, boosts performance up to five times higher than the PowerBook G4. With this awesome power, it's a breeze to render complex 3D models, enjoy smooth playback of 1080p HD video, or host a four-way video conference. "Wow, imaging 4 of us sharing our feelings of gratitude for all we are/do/have for/from Baba, live, on the Magic Hill and elsewhere! What a dream! Macintosh is THE ‘choice’ for this work. More expensive, yet, WORTH the energy! And one ‘possible’ tool for live images and sounds recording is: Sony DCR-DVD805E, almost Rs 50G = 1100 usd. So now, suppose we ‘got the ‘point’, AND the tool, what about using it at The Hill? This would be a wonderful fun and challenge: when I live there as a ‘trainee’ (according to Bhauji’s Spiritual Training Program), I can use them at home, and OUTSIDE on the Hill, to record/playback stories of each of the ‘Baba-lovers’ living/visiting that sacred spot on this earth. Those who have been in Mehrabad and had visited the TOMB are well familiar with the ‘change of feeling’, BEFORE and AFTER entering that small room. These changes are often seen as ‘tears of joy and gratitude’, rolling down the cheeks. Here, (there!) catharsis happens in the moist delicate ways. One major function of this ‘service’ is to explore the meaning of many words, uttered by ALL masters, yet MIS-understood by many! Words like GOD, LOVE, Human Being, etc, can be explained,___ in detail, from MANY different aspects, ---to bring that ‘collective common’ meaning, needed to live it, by all concerned. Interpersonal communications can be evolved to a ‘non-violent communications’ ( Dr. Marshal Rosenburg approach to communication). Many things can be done, by using this state-of-the-art technology (pod-casting.) Your ideas, comments are truly appreciated…..more later
Meher Baba's Message to Youth
… before i post my old 'dream of future'
(started when i was young in the University, SUNYAB, studying Media, mid-1970), just post this message, which I feel it is relevant to us, EVEN NOW! ( found it in the Upstairs Hall of Meher Prasad, typed it from the framed ‘picture/message’ into my gmail account….)
Meher Baba's Message to Youth From: The New World Culture "It is the privilege of youth to be full of energy and hope. Not being caught in any ruts, your dreams of the future have the advantage of being inspired by an unfettered imagination. in the glow of a new-born love or in the warmth of a newly-caught enthusiasm, you are quick to respond to the call for action and self-sacrifice. life would be poorer without these qualities that are predominantly present in youth. but if you are to derive the full benefit of the qualities with which you are abundantly endowed, you must also try to acquire some other qualities which are rare in youth. hope should be fortified by a courage which can accept failure without upset. Enthusiasm should be harnessed by the wisdom that knows how to wait with patience for the fruit of action.
Idealistic dreams about the future should be balanced by a sense of the realities of the present. And the glow of love should allow itself to be illumined by the full exercise of reason. It is easy for youth to be so absorbed in realizing the ideal that it becomes bitter against the present and the past. But it is as well to cultivate a spirit of idealizing the real, while being appreciative of the heritage of the past. The world as it is may not seem to conform to the pattern which youth adores, but you must never forget that it is always good enough to merit your most loving attention. In your desire to improve the world, do not, by becoming bitter, surrender your right to be happy. Youth loves freedom and therefore has a natural impulse to rebel against all authority. This is well and good, but you should make a real effort to keep free of the many illusions to which youth is particularly susceptible. True self-expressions need not include irreverence for others. True criticism need not involve snobbishness or cynicism. True freedom need not manifest hostility or separateness. Freedom without responsibility is a doubtful boon. freedom is worth having only where there is self-restraint and willingness to cooperate with others. Youth is always willing to act and take risks. It should be allowed to yield freely to this fearless and imperative urge of life within, But while engaged in action, youth must take every care that it is creative, and not destructive. Let your watchwords always be LOVE and SERVICE." Reprinted by permission of Adi K. Irani--