Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday, January 30, 2006
What a Meher Baba! عجب مهربابایی است این مهربابا!
30/01/2006 / 21:15
Wow, wow, wow….What a Meher Baba is theis Mehr Baba! Huuuuuuuuu……….
This morning we, about 25 Iranians and a few non-Iranians were watching the Farsi dubbed of a film of Baba, called The Human face of God? (If I remember correctly!) So wonderful and mostly on Baba’s works with the Masts……. Wonderful…. Good news for Iranians………. Then home and ate and went out to attend a ‘briefing session’ for the ‘audio help group’! we put microphones in front of the performers. Time is so precious in these days, even seconds count! Then saw the stalls near the railways. Very interesting, sugar-cane juice 3 Rs each! Went to the old PC and it is for the elderly and people who have problems moving freely. So crowded is the whole place. Back home and rested, since the program started at 2:30 pm….. nice music, dances, theatre, films…… played the daff along with the music groups and it seems that people like the sound of it………tonight am on ‘duty’ from 11 pm to 1:00 am. After 12 midnight there is ‘open mic’ session and everybody can come up the stage and sing or play…. So I help to set up the microphone in front of them. Again from 5-7 am I have volunteered to do the same ‘duty’. So from 1-5 am I am free to bike around the place and see the changes and meet new people. Indians are arriving in great numbers and they sleep in open air and take shower before they go to visit Baba’s tomb …… it must be a scene not to miss. So I better post this and run out to catch up with the programs. My name was on the list to sing a ‘song’, on Feb.2 at 10:20 am , for 5 minutes! My first (or actually second) public performance! But this ‘public’ is MUCH different with any other ‘public’!! we all share the love and respect for Baba, in our own ways, and it is so lovely to be herenow! 30/01/200621:44MagicHill…..
Sunday, January 29, 2006
What a Sunday! عجب یکشنبه ی با صفایی
29/01/2006 / 21:21
What a Sunday! Morning Arti was definitely different from any other day. The number of people is the first noticeable thing....... and the decorations……..the bhajans were very good and one Indian sister sang very beautifully…….. wish those who use the time, give their time to those who sing better! Went to new PC for the first breakfast. Ended up having a nice conversation with two Irani Baba-lovers from LA and DC…. Received words of wisdom and encouragement from them and much misinformation was cleared……… at 2:30 went again there to have an interview with brother Khodadad, who has seen Baba twice and has some very interesting stories about Baba. I taped him and wish to use it soon here. Bhauji came at for the first time to this place and had a tour around….. had a rough count of Iranian pilgrims and came to about 25-30, so far. More is expected! Bhauji talked about Shirin and Farhad and the UNTOLD story of them as Baba had narrated it…. Bhauji asked Tony G. to dance and he did a nice job and I played along with the daff. Then I asked Bhauji if we can listen to the sister who was singing this morning. Found out that she is the daughter of brother Sharma from Hamirpur and they are good friends of Tony G. She sang a very famous song from Begum Akhtar and we ALL enjoyed it very much. Then Bhauji talked about Begum Akhtar and her story with Baba……. Evening prayer was even MORE crowded than the morning one. Dear brother Frank asked me if it is my ‘first Amartithi’, and since the answer was ‘yes’, he told me that ‘these people are mostly volunteers’ ……… ‘from tomorrow the real crowd of 20-30 thousands will come’! WOW! For me who has seen mostly crowds of 20-50 people in most prayers, this number will be something! Of course the only ‘problem’ at such times is the amount of NOISE they make! UNFORTUNATELY, those who are ‘serving’, the ‘on duty’ personnel, are taking advantage of such times and TALKING ALOUD, while the Bhajans are being sang. And when I remind them by sign language to BRING THE VOLUME DOWN, instead of being thankful, theu look at me ‘left left’! (an Irani expression for ‘mean look’!) AT least they should keep and maintain the silence of this place…….since they feel free to break the silence with their LOUD talks, others do the same and the whole atmosphere is not as quiet and peaceful, as at other times……… Be Happy………Jay Baba
Meritocracy in Mehrabad=شایسته سالاری در مهرآباد مهربابا
.... maryam: اگر ممکنه برام بفرستيد که چرا بابا زنان را در حلقه ماندلي انتخاب کرد؟
mohsen khatami: سلام/ متاسفانه چنين امکاني نيست و فقط نظر خودم اين است که خواهرش منيژه و معشوق الهي اش مهرا و ساير کساني که به الوهيت او ايمان کامل داشتند کساني هستند که پايه گذار اين نهضت بوده و هستند. بدون آن ها کار بابا اينطور پيش نمي رفت/ بعد از وفات بابا
mohsen khatami: منيژه (ا اينجا "ماني" صدايش مي زنند همه کاره و رييس بود و حقا که به بهترين وجه رياست کرد و اينک هم باوجي با همان روحيه رياست مي کند و با دل مهربان و نه با سر خشک و نامهربان!
mohsen khatami: زن ها هميشه لطيف تر و مستعد تر و با انضباط تر و مهربان تر و باتوجه تر از مردان هستند/ البته زنان واقعي و نه زناني که فقط بدن زنانه دارند و بيشتر انرژي هاي زشت مردان را حمل مي کنند.
mohsen khatami: اگر دقيق داستانش را بخواهي بايد به سرگذشت مهربابا که توسط باو کالچوري نوشته شده است و همان 6000 ص است مراجعه کني و در لينک اصلي بابا مي تواني حتي جزيياتش را پيدا کني. ولي به انگليسي است و فقط دو جلد از آن چاپ شده به فارسيو سومي هم در دست است و اميدوارم باقي را هم خودم ترجمه کنم.
mohsen khatami: اينجا تنها مکاني است در دنيا که خودم تجربه کرده ام و مي بينم که "شايسته سالاري" بر هر نوع "... سالاري" ديگر ترجيح دارد
Friday, January 27, 2006
A feed back for this blog=یکیازبازخوردهابرایاینبلاگ
Jay Baba lovers! It is 28/01/2006 / 05:53 and am about to go out for the morning darshan, expecting many more new faces and changes in the scene. The ground up the Hill was even different last night from last morning. Work is going on continuously.
Found the following message from a sister in UK, who is on my messenger list. She studies Persian language too. (edited her ID a bit!) Heard from an Irani Babalover that this weblog is ‘good’ and ‘many people read it’!
have not started a PR-campaign for advertising for it yet.
No time for such project yet. Just hope it is known by ‘friend’s recommendation’ for now.
Here is Elaine feed back for this blog:
Elaine… (1/28/2006 01:13:11 ق.ظ): thank you i loved your page
Elaine… (1/28/2006 01:13:35 ق.ظ): was good reading, very stright, but also witty, i like it.
Elaine …. (1/28/2006 01:13:48 ق.ظ): booooooooos va baghal bashe
Just a point to remember that my native language is NOT English
and there are sometime gramatical and other mistakes is the English
(and of course, Persian!) writings, which i appreciate 'editing and correction'
سلام بر عاشقان عشق و عاشقی
حدود ساعت شش صبح است و تقریباٌ آماده هستم برای رفتن برای دیدار صبحگاهی با معشوق الهی. محوطه ی اطراف بارگاه بابا حتماٌ بازهم تغیر کرده از دیشب. دیشب با دیروز صبح که خیلی تفاوت داشت. همه چیز برای هجوم جمعیت آماده شده و هنوز هم کارهایی باقی مانده تا چندروز آینده و آخرین روز ژانویه = سالگشت بابا. از یکی از برادران ایرانی بابا-دوست شنیدم که این وبلاگ خواننده زیاد دارد که خودم نمیدانم! شاید ولی هنوز هیچ فعالیت روابط عمومی برای تبلیغ آن انجام نداده ام زیرا وقتش نیست و امیدوارم از طریق توصیه ی دوستان این اخبارعاشقانه پخش شود. پیام سبز بالا را همین حالا از یکی از دوستان اینترنتی در یاهو پیامبر دریافت کردم. خانمی است در لندن که به فرهنگ پارسی علاقه دارد و زبان فارسی قدری می داند و گاهی پیامی محبت آمیز ردو بدل می شود........ دیشب برای دیدار دوستان به سالن غذاخوری رفتم و چهره های جدید ایرانی و غیرایرانی هم بودند و کلی گپ زدم با تعدادی و قدری هم با دوست بسیار عزیزم سوفیای معصوم بازی کردم. یک فیلم در مورد بابا هم نشان دادند که برای اولین بار می دیدم/ مراسم دیدار عموم با مهربابا در پونا در 1965 (وقتی چهارده ساله بودم!) چه عظمتی و چه جمعیتی و چه شور و حالی بود آن زمان ها..... یکی از بهترین فیلم هایی بود که تا به حال از مهربابا دیدم. کاش به فارسی هم موجود بود برای ایرانیانی که نمی دانند مهربابا کیست و چیست!
"مردان بیفایده هستند" =Men are useless!
27/01/2006/ 22:29
سلام بر عاشقان/ ... بازهم باوجی با همان شمایل شیخ عرب و دستار قرمز و لباس عربی به همراه مکس و اعضای تیم وارد شدند و با چای و بوسه ها و در آغوش کشیدن های فراوان شروع شد. چهره های جدید..... یک آواز دسته جمعی شاد خواندیم که با دف همراهی کردم و قدری هم رقصیدیم با نوای شاد آن که برای مهربابا خوانده شد.... سوال امروز این بود که "چرا مهربابا پس از مدتی زندگی کردن با حلقه ی یاران نزدیک مرد خود، زندگی با زنان ماندلی را انتخاب کرد؟" البته پاسخ در کتاب ها هست ولی باوجی شوخ طبع با این جمله آغاز سخن کرد که "مردان بیفایده هستند" = Men are useless!
Peace onto the Lovers/ Again Bhauji appeared as an Arab Amir (in Red headwear and white dress!) …..New faces…. Began with a happy song for Baba, which I played daff and danced a bit…..The question was “Why Baba chose to live with women mandali?” and Bhauji, as simple and straight and with his humor, started his talk by “Men are useless!…” and then he went on to the many stories with Baba and the night that he decided to commit suicide because of Baba! And how in the morning he forgot his decision! Many amazing stories he narrates from Baba which are truly the proof of Baba’s divine presence and his own love and devotion for Baba. I thanked him again for his ‘silence command’ and told him that ‘we all needed it’!
No words except SALAM with the Irani group. This morning I wrote on the board, in Farsi, = “Good news! Silence until AFTER the ceremony. Hope for the effectiveness of our daily repentance (including me!)This ‘cultural difference’ is better be cleared and dissolved HERE. No way to escape! Be Happy!” and put it in few places where they could read.
Evening prayer was fine and a new Indian couple sang a very nice song for Baba and the lady was playing on the harmonium and they both sang very beautifully. While I was keeping the rhythm with them, Najoo whispered in my ears that this couple were once the rulers (Raja, Rani) of a certain region in India, Punjab I think!
این مرد نازنین و بزرگوار هر هفته داستان های زیبایی از زندگی خودش با مهربابا تعریف می کند که واقعاٌ شگفت انگیز هستند این ماجراها. اول اینکه معجزات بابا را نشان می دهند و دوم عشق و ارادت خالصانه ی خودش را به مرشدش مهربابا بازگو می کنند.
مثلا امروز در مورد سختگیری های فراوان بابا می گفت (بله، مهربابا با اینکه به مهربانی و شفقت و رحمت مشهور است در عین حال با نزدیکان خودش بسیار بسیار بسیار سختگیر و گاهی ظاهراٌ بی رحمانه رفتار می کرده) که یک شب تصمیم می گیرد از دست بابا و سختگیری هایش خودش را بکشد و صبح که نوبت نگهبانی اش تمام می شود و می خواهد برود تا تصمیمش را عملی کند، کل ماجرا را از یاد می برد و می رود و می خوابد و پس از خواب تازه یاد تصمیم قاطع دیشب خود می افتد! که این هم از معجزات بابا بوده که نگذاشته به یادش بیفتد! مقدار کار فکری و روشنفکرانه ای را که این مرد انجام داده هیچکس در خانواده ی مهربابا انجام نداده است (20 کتاب مختلف) و نوشتن سرگذشت مهربابا در 6000 صفحه شاهکارش است که امیدوارم روزی یکی یا بیشتر از ؟ جلد این مجموعه ی بینظیر را ترجمه کنم. قلب مهربان و توان فکری بالا و پشتکاری که این مرد دارد واقعاٌ بی نظیر است و هنوز هم با این سن و بیماری های مختلف جسمانی که دارد به کارهای اداری این مجموعه رسیدگی می کند و حتی د رمواقع لزوم و در موارد اضطراری در امور "روابط بین فردی" هم، به عاشق شیدایی چون بنده توصیه ی "سکوت" می فرماید! امروز بازهم حضوری ازش تشکر کردم بخاطر این توصیه و گفتم که "همگی به آن نیاز داشتیم!" (امروز صبح پیام تشکر را توسط "ملکه ی جهانی" فرستاده بودم!)
با گروه ایرانی هیچ سخنی بجز "سلام" نداشتم. امروز صبح روی تابلوی سفیدم نوشتم :"خبر خوب. سکوت تا بعد از مراسم. به امید تاثیر توبه های روزانه __ شامل خودم! این اختلاف فرهنگی بهتر است همینجا محلول و روشن شود. راه فراری نیست. شاد باش/ زنده باد بابا" و تابلو را در جاهایی گذاشتم که بتوانند بخوانند! ارتباط بدون کلام ولی موثر!
Good for the guests = خوشا به حال میهمانان بابا

...به دو نفر کارگری که مشغول سایبان درست کردن هستند توجه شود
عکس ها توسط برادرعزیزم جیک Photo By dear brother Jake Lawton
کار آماده سارزی محوطه هنوز در دست اقدام است و تقریباٌ شبانه روزی ادامه دارد... باوجی عزیز بزودی در سالن غذاخوری سخنرانی دارند و بهتر آست آماده شوم. . یک آهنگ شاد ایرانی برای مناسبت آماده کرده ام که اگر اجازه بدهند پخش کنم تا همگی شاد شویم.The preparation work is continuing almost 24 hours! Beloved Bhauji is havinghis weekly talk, so i better get ready. selected a Happy Persian song for the occasion, if he lets me play it in the tape. It feels that it has Just been sung for Baba.....
یکی از سیاه چاله های تستی A blackhole test in loving UNequations!
this is a flowing poem i found in my mailbox this afternoon. for Persian only wish i could translate it =
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
what ‘exactly’ happened, from my cameraviewsامروز صبحچهاتفاقیافتادازدیددوربین هایم
10:06 / 26/01/2006
what ‘exactly’ happened, from my cameras.
Our eyes act as ‘cameras’ for us and the only difference is in the ‘colour of the lenses’!
Before the ‘show’, I informed a few whom I thought they have NO IDEA of what is happening among Iranis here, about the ‘interactive show’!
Wore my clown plastic ‘lips’ (good to keep silence!
Actually you ‘cannot’ talk ordinary way, the teeth keep it in place!),
just to make it VISIBLE that it IS a SHOW!
When no other ‘medium’ works to solve this old ‘archetypal difference’, we pray to our Compassionate Baba to bring loving brotherhood and sisterhood among Iranians themselves and with others, as well.
Even I asked our beloved Theatre teacher, from NY, to support me, if needed!
Heard a very vulgar abuse from a brother as he said and passed!
(had to call the office to report such a thing, because I feel the poor heart is so weak that if I just say anything to him, he might get an ‘attack’ in his heart, OR might attack and kill me!! (so much is the ‘volume’ of that negative emotion called hatred!)
and we do not want this to happen here at this time!
Had my cup of tea and wrote the following on my ‘communication board’ =
why you fear me?
why you resent and hate me?
Best honest answer gets a prize
روی تخته ی ارتباطات سفیدم نوشتم :
چرا از من می ترسی؟
چرا از من بیزاری و نفرت داری؟
بهترین پاسخ صادقانه یک جایزه می گیرد.
و جایزه را به چند نفر و همه نشان دادم = دو تخم مرغ کوچک از کریستال کوارتز شفاف
ولی ظاهراٌ هیچکس نمی خواست پاسخی بدهد!
And I showed them the prize: 2 small egg shaped Quarts crystals with the red velvet bag. But apparently no one wanted it! Wonderful!
Then when I asked the brother who wanted to give time for Baba, before my second print, ………… 10:55 am…. minutes ago Bhauji called and very lovingly asked me to keep silent for the time being and bow down to Baba’s feet. How this man is loving and caring keeping us together. I accepted and hereby I stop any verbal reaction/response to those whom might try again to hurt me! I shall NOT react verbally, until AFTER the Amarthiti celebration, yet use my ‘human right’ to communicate via my special while board, ___ bought for such times!
What a blessing from our beloved chairman. He compassionately saved us much energy for now, to be wisely used for the AFTER mid-Feb.,……… since this is NOT a ‘personal’ contact or argument! Really! It is a very TYPICAL archetypal collective issue,
arisen here and now!
So if we can use the golden opportunity, we can be free Many Unwanted sanskaras, forced on us for ages.
If herenow we cannot see and ‘break the wheele’, then WHEN?
Later? Ok. But as we say, “in good deeds, there is no place for ‘estekhare’! (consulting with the scripture!) So why wait and suffer endlessly, we can wake up right here and right now!
For those who are eager to hear the rest of the story, I might write it here, JUST FOR THE SAKE OF THE RECORD. Jay Baba….
ALL comments from those involved and those who ‘watch’ the show
are appreciated. Jay Baba and Jay His lovers
دقایقی قبل تلفنی از باوجی عزیز داشتم که بسیار با لطف و مهربانی و متانت
از من خواستند تا آخر مراسم سالگشت بابا سکوت اختیار کنم
و سرتعظیم فرود آورم در پای بابا.
گفتم "شنیدم و اطاعت کردم." و برای همین تا آخر مراسم از هرگونه واکنش زبانی با حمله کنندگان احتمالی پرهیز خواهم کرد و فقط حق انسانی خود را برای ارتباط گرفتن __ از طریق تخته ی سفیدی که برای چنین روزهایی تهیه کرده ام ___ محفوظ می دارم.
برای کسانی که می خواهند باقی داستان را بشنوند شاید در موقعی دیگر آن را بازگو کنم فقط برای ثبت در نامه ی اعمال الکترونیکی! زنده باد مهربابا و عاشقانش
news of COURAGE 1 = اخبار شجاعت
Thanks to Baba for the loving support. may translated some lines for all. Wish these “Baba-lovers’ who are full of hatred and animosity and suppress it and show it to me sometimes, read it and USE it. It is from Florance Schavelchin (?)
including these resentful, fearful hateful souls!
بلکه هر انسانی معلم توست.
No one is your enemy and no one is your friend,
everyone is your teacher.
-هیچ چیز انقدرها عجیب نیست که راست نباشد
هیچ چیز انقدرها عجیب نیست که پیش نیاید
هیچ چیز انقدرها عجیب نیست که دیر نپاید.
-جایی هست که جز تو هیچ کس نمی تواند آن را پر کند و کاری هست که جز تو هیچ کس قادر به انجامش نیست.
There is a place no one can fill but you, and
there is a work that no one but you can do it.
-ترس تو است که شیر را درنده میکن
د(بر شیر بتاز تا ناپدید شود .فرار کن تا دنبالت کند.)
It is your FEAR that makes the lion ferocious!
(Attack the lion tomake it escape from you, escape the lion to get chased by it!)
-هیچ کس جز خود آدمی چیزی به خود نمی دهد ِ هیچ کس جز خود آدمی چیزی را از خود دریغ نمی دارد."بازی زندگی" یک بازی انفرادی است.
اگر خودتان عوض شوید ِ همهء اوضاع و شرایط عوض خواهد شد.
No one gives ANYTHING to us but our own selves.
No one deprives ANYTHING from us but our own selves.
Game of life is an individual game:
if you change, all conditions and circumstances will change.
برگرفته از کتاب: چهار اثر از فلورانس اسکاول شین
- بازی زندگی و راه این بازی
- کلام تو عصای معجزه گر توست
- در مخفی توفیق
- نفوذ کلام
بازی تازه شروع شدهThe game already started
بازی تازه شروع شدهThe game already started
25/01/2006 / 21:02
Just called .... and made an announcement that if he had found me ‘guilty’ of anything, 'I will shave my beard'!! and since he was asking about my ‘wife’, I will show just a glimpse of her picture tomorrow at the breakfast table, so he learns not to interfere in a matter which is “none of his …. Business”! { …= Some common American ‘spice of tongue’ needed for his taste!}
How funny the show will be.
Already on my way back from Darshan told Gary that there is some misunderstanding between me and an Irani brother, and.... got himself caught up in it, so if tomorrow morning there is some ‘hot debate’ in the dining hall, be informed that ‘it is all a SHOW, a JOKE’!
Yes, to laugh out to this stupid artificial sanskaras which some people are producing around here. On the way back, brother K tried to convince me that I should leave them alone, but my point is that if I do so, they go more and more away from love and carry this dis-ease of hatred in their heart. Their egos, ALREADY inflated with all kinds of ‘winds’, will become more SOLID!
My intention is to bring this ‘OLD OLD wound’ to the surface so they can see its ugliness. This is THE ONLY WAY now. Too late for any ‘medication’. Only a ‘surgery’ is need now. This cancer of egoism and national pride and arrogance (both American and Iranian Type, which ARE actually the same ‘stupidity’ of men ___their rulers fight each other, while their people suffer from ignorance of them, people pay the price for the stupidity of their rulers.) has gone so deep into their conditioned mind, which ONLY a DRAMATIC de-conditioning is needed. When I refused to come down from my stand (running this show for their benefit!), he also asked me not to talk to him anymore.
So tomorrow morning at breakfast I shall bring up the ‘famous question of “why you hate me? Why you fear me? Will write it in TWO languages and will take them to “those who are concerned”!! What else I can do, except playing my part in this leela, well enough. If my B.S. in SUNYAB has been ‘Interactive Media’, so I shall play it well, with totality = to interact via the medium of ‘theater’, in order to raise an emotional question for contemplation/consideration (in the ATTITUDE domain of Human Capabilities) ……. 21:43… better post this and do some other work……Jay Baba……
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
What is this FEAR preventing..................

25/01/2006 / 12:25
yesterday morning something VERY interesting happened in the Dining hall, involving one fearful Irani brother, calling …. to protect him against me!! What is this FEAR preventing people from loving……… And this man said something VERY stupid, trying to intimidate me, that I had to write a long letter to our chairman telling the story to find out what is happening here: is he a ‘Babalover’ or ‘devil-liker’! It is very complicated issue and it cannot be said here, except when necessary and with all details. So I went to the Trust office at 4:10 and rested in Maharaj’s room for sometime and then we had a very very emotional and constructive meeting…. On the way back with our ‘Universal Queen’, she told me how this place is so effective for dealing with our sanskaras and how one day of living here can be equal to years of ‘intense meditation’ and other ‘spiritual work’! Yes, I can see this in me and others, BUT, it seems that for a very few minority, the ‘amount/quality’ of their sanskaras are so THICK, that even years of being here has not freed them from the basic obstacles: fear, hatred, selfishness, etc…. well, that is their work any way and I better do MY work! Despite all the high-rising emotional tides, before and during the meeting, Bhauji’s loving care and wisdom made it a very useful and constructive event in my life. The amount of care and love I receive from my dear sisters and brothers here is SO MUCH that the fear and hatred of a few ‘poor souls’ around, doen NOT bother me a bit, even though it makes me weep deeply sometimes, as it happened in that meeting, and even BEFORE it, in a place I had lunch yesterday. The next-table Indian brother seeing me crying in silence, came over and offered his ‘help’ and when I showed Bab’s picture and told him that ‘Baba is helping’, he left me alone! And I see these tears as actually ‘therapeutic’, sorry for those whose tear glands are dried up and have to suppress all the beautiful emotions and look ‘tough’!
this morning had a letter from an American brother, sending me 3 of our photos in the trip to Ellora Caves, will post 1 or 2 here……… Jay Baba……………
Sunday, January 22, 2006
latest loving news from The Hill=آخرین اخبار عاشقانه از این تپه ی مهرآباد
23/01/2006 / 10:39
Peace on lovers of Truth, Beauty and Existence.
Just received the good news of the lovers coming ‘home’:
sister Raini and brother Bill will be here for the coming Dhuni!
For those who love GOOD ‘quality;
music her arrival IS a good news!
In a reply I shared some of my pleasant pain in the heart regarding my ancient old opposition to the mass mentality of our people. Herenow, it is me and REAL Perisan cultural Heritage (symbolised in respecting Life, Love and Happiness),
against the false unreal identities, such as dominant male-oriented mass mentality
of Iranian modern culture.
So I paste the relevant part and beg for His mercy on me and this brother!
because I have intended to make a ‘false attack’ at his ‘head’ (mentality),
to change his ‘mood’ to a REAL PEACE and HAPPINESS, in his heart (which at this moment is filled with no-love, for Mohsen!
Your comments are appreciated
“…. Wonderful to be here and now, with such lovely people. This morning again i told an Irani brother that i if 'their number is more than 1% of the population here, i will shave my beard!'
...assured the brother who is 'upset' with me that i will not let it stay in his heart and will remove this feeling for him!
.....to be honest with you, you are the only person who knows about this, my intention! i want to 'play' my role, as an individual human being, in a responsible way, so to expose/remove much misunderstanding which exists between a few Iranis here.
He gave me an 'indirect' lecture about 'Iranian culture', on a sudden meeting yesterday morning ! i did not have the time to go on, but i promised him to follow up the 'cultural' discussion.
Now this morning he even refused to look at me and said he has 'no time' to talk to me! Very funny indeed. Yet since i need to fulfil my promise, i will play a nice 'duel' with him in front of some witnesses. ....and her .....were talking at the darshan time that night; and they walked back with this Irani brother .............then all of a sudden his 'friendliness' with me changed and he started 'attacking me', by 'defending' the other person who violated the silence of that place by her LOUD 'nasty non-sense' comment to me, and now he is defending 'his culture' against mine! ....thinking that i am a shame to 'his' culture. so wonderful!
i can see him as a 'typical' Irani 'male religious mentality, for which 'nationality' (his own way of behaviour of course!) is a 'real' identity and will 'defend' this against the real values of love and service, which both happen in silence.
Modern Iranian mass mentality is suffering much from various diseases of prejudice and superstitions....... 2500 years of ruling mad kings and now these 26 years of hypocrite rulers had made MUCH damage to the collective psyche of Iranians and a BASIC deconditioning program is BADLY needed............ until then, I feel responsible to differentiate such ignorance and arrogance from our REAL Persian Heritage, which Meher Baba is THE BEST example of : Loving, Caring, Serving.
So when I see the 'opposite' of such divine qualities in a few persons whose dual minds are fearful and cunning, and they try to 'bite' or 'sting' me with their 'unclean' mass mob mentalities, spreading lies and rumours to 'destroy' me somehow, then I cannot just smile and keep my fingers locked (mouth SHUT!) __ as some friends advise!
It is ONLY the matter of loving and caring for them that makes my put energy, here and there, to tell them that they should not be afraid of me or anybody else! The only fear they should have is from their FAT FAT egos! That is ALL.
But a few are so 'glued' to this FAT ego that no fasting and austerity, nor any of Baba's advises to get rid of the nasty ego helps them. No regiment helps, but a sudden 'needle' for their bubbly bubbly, illusory mortal egos. Enough for now……… sorry for sharing the pleasant pain in my heart!”
Baba's FIRST mandali 1922=تشکیل نخستین یاران حلقه ی یاران بابا در 23 ژانویه 1922
جانم بابا....
This 2005 candar says in Jan.23.1922, 'Baba formed His first mandali'. So i wrote my question to our 'last mandali', Bhauji, about the names of those fortunate first ones and How this 'circle' was formed. will post the answer, if he choses to answer it tomorrow evening. Jay Baba
New PC Completion Celebration
22/01/2006 / 17:55
New PC Completion Celebration
Wow, what a wonderful place is this Hill, and the people who love Baba. Today I really felt it, because we were all inside the NEW dining Hall, which is a concrete manifestation of Baba’s devotion in action, done by many who love Him and follow His wish. Was invited last night to attend the inauguration of the new PC or MPR = Meher Pilgrim Retreat. It REALLY is a ‘retreat’ for those who love nature and silence and compassion. The music group from Ahmednagar center came, along by many Indian Babalovers, and few non-Indian residents and pilgrims. After some bhajans, one special memorial gift (Baba’s Samadhi picture + note of appreciation from the contractor, brother Vaibhav Joshi) was distributed to those who had actually contributed in the work, i.e. From master carpenter and mason to our dear master architect, brother Ted. He spoke briefly and mentioned the fact that there has NOT been any ‘fight’ or ‘dispute’ between the two sides (A REAL MIRACLE in human-relationship!) and his own ‘role’, comparing to those who secured the funds and those who actually built the place, is a ‘minor’ one! We all see Ted, as ‘the man who made the new PC!’ The music was fine and Ted sang his famous ‘….Baba Tandiva??!’ and the rest was all Indian devotional songs for Baba, by devotees who HAVE ‘musical’ talents. We were lucky enough, not to hear something ‘out of tune’! The lunch was excellent and for the Indian taste = HOT! Another ‘real’ miracle of Baba = ENOUGH good food (for THE SOUL AND for the body) + happiness for those who love Him. That HUGE hall was full ___at least 500 people of God were there __ yet the food was more than it could be eaten! No one had heard EVER that food has been ‘run out’ in Baba’s meetings/darshans, no matter how crowded the place was/is! Came back home with the School Bus and found a wonderful reply to my request from Bhauji ….despite its ‘surface’, It actually encouraged me to write him more about what is happening here in some interpersonal communication affairs and the point about the slow erosion of the silence at the Hill. SOME people, FEW, break it for UNREAL things = daily ‘chit-chat’ and ‘gossip’, while others are there to receive ‘the REAL thing’ from Baba, IN SILENCE! I wish someone may conduct a simple “SIGN language workshop,” for ‘emergency talks’ INSIDE the shed and around it. The problem is that some ears are ‘heavy’, as we say = low-hearing ability with increased age, and simple things must be SHOUTED to them, when the silence must prevail! What will happen to the silence in Amarthiti is obvious! No-silence is expected, because those who must maintain it, break it with everyday ‘greetings and chatting’, in a LOUD VOICE, near the TOMB! So others follow and slowly, BUT SURELY, over the time, the silence erodes and chatting prevails! (if nothing is done about this natural tendency of the minds =chit-chat!)
Last night music session was great. It was dedicated to practicing some new song, so Bhauji did not come for his talk. The music is written by out master-musician, who plays many instruments and his latest work is so rich and melodious. Played a short solo-daff upon request …. we practiced about 3 hours. Brother Madhuka dropped me home with his car. His wife sings in the women choir and their twin sons are both VERY skilful with drums and bells…..
Saturday, January 21, 2006
some familiar faces around=چند چهره ي آشنا

salam/ will put some photos which brother Jake downloaded last week ...., but i cannot see it, when i publish this! if you click, you can see! but why it does not show? / سلام/ مقداری از عکس های برادر جیک را که گرفته بود و هفته ی پیش در اینجا خالی کرد برایتان می چسبانم تا محیط اینجا به دست دلتان بیاید! یعنی در حافظه ی دلتان جا بیفتد